Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 1 Michael Bendel Physik-Department E12 Technische Universität München a new technique for the CALIFA CsI(Tl) calorimeter iPhos – intrinsic phoswich concept
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 2 Outline Introduction –FAIR, R 3 B, CALIFA –(p,2p) scattering as an example Phoswich concept for high energy particles –Basics –CEPA phoswich array as a possibility for the CALIFA endcap iPhos technique –Basics IFJ PAN, Krakow
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 3 Gain Factors Primary beam intensity: Factor 100 – 1000 Secondary beam intensities radioactive nuclei: up to factor 10,000 Beam energy: Factor 15 ~3000 scientists 10 countries FAIR Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research SIS 100/300 S-FRS R3BR3B
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 4 CALIFA Working Group USC-IEM-UVigoGSI-TUM EMMI-TUD Chalmers Lund CFNUL JINR - NRC R3BR3B Reactions with relativistic, radioactive beams
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 5 Separationsenergieinterner Impuls Nucleus excited fragment A A-1 free target proton transfer momentum q photon(s ) bound proton q p,n,d,t,... evaporated scattered protons: back-to-back opening angle 80° Pilot experiments with 12 C, 17 Ne and Ni isotopes have been performed at the current LAND-R 3 B-Setup. Experiment Quasi-free scattering of exotic nuclei in inverse kinematics ~700 AMeV Requirements for CALIFA: high dynamic range 100keV γ -rays – 700 AMeV charged particles high efficiency high granularity -> Doppler correction particle identification
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 6 CALIFA Barrel & Forward Endcap Array beam energy: 700 A MeV = 0.82
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 7 CALIFA Crystals + Mechanical support
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 8 Mesytec MPRB-32 2 sensitivity range 3pC ≈ 28 – 30 MeV -rays 30pC ≈ 300 MeV protons high voltage supply up to 600V gain stabilization 32 channel per module FEBEX 3 – GSI electronics depart. Full system operational: 16 channels x 14 bit Sampling ADCs Large FPGA for 16 channels FEBEX, PEXOR, TRIXOR,.. Slow control operational CALIFA Frontend electronics + digital readout
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 9 Phoswich concept for high energy particles
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 10 Phoswich scintillator 1 scintillator 2 particle Bethe-Bloch -dE/dx 1/ 2
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 11 Phoswich amount of information crystal 1crystal 2 More information on energy in the second crystal!
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 12 CEPA Endcap LaBr-LaCl-Phoswich 750 crystals: 5 alveoli of 15 crystals 10 branches of 75 crystals 15 rings Characteristics LaBr/LaCl: good energy resolution: 1 MeV high light yield: 63 / 49 ph/keV high density: 5.29 / 3.9 g/cm 3 decay time constant: 16 / 28 ns hygroscopic
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 13 intrinsic phoswich concept - iPhos a new method to measure high energy particles with CsI(Tl)
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 14 Particle identification in CsI(Tl) using digital pulse shape analysis - W. Skulski, M. Momayezi Pulse shape analysis basics
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 15 MWD Differentiation MWD S S F RPID particle identification
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen C(p,p‘) 12 München protons N s [a.u.] N f [a.u.]
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 17 Krakow p Protons with 70 MeV up to 200 MeV Punch through different numbers of crystals Krakow, Poland
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 18 RPID stopped / punch-through N f (a.u.) N s (a.u.) punch-through stopped deuterons Runs with 90, 105, 150, 175 MeV protons in 15mm CsI(Tl)
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 19 RPID projection on linear function line integral (a.u.) 90 MeV 105 MeV 130 MeV 170 MeV 110 MeV x-axis: in arbitrary units of energy loss in 15mm CsI(Tl) => for calibration: relation between energy of particle and its energy loss needed
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 20 Experiment different energies 90 MeV RPIDcalibrated energy spectrum
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen MeV RPID Experiment different energies calibrated energy spectrum
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen MeV RPID Experiment different energies calibrated energy spectrum
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen MeV RPID Experiment different energies calibrated energy spectrum
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen MeV RPID Experiment different energies calibrated energy spectrum
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen MeV RPID Experiment different energies calibrated energy spectrum
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen MeV RPID Experiment different energies calibrated energy spectrum
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen MeV RPID Experiment different energies calibrated energy spectrum
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 28 Comparison N f (a.u.) N s (a.u.) The implementation of the fast and slow component in GEANT4 allows the simulation of stopped and punch-through protons. N s (a.u.) N f (a.u.) Simulation Experiment
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 29 Experiment vs. simulation energy (MeV) energy resolution (%)
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 30 Summary & Outlook iPhos method for reconstruction of high energy particles works Has to be tested for higher energies and larger CsI(Tl) crystals => in Vancouver
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 31 Thank you very much for your attention Michael Bendel, Roman Gernhäuser, Benjamin Heiss, Walter Henning, Philipp Klenze, Reiner Krücken, Tudi Le Bleis and Max Winkel
Michael Bendel intrinsic phoswich conzept – CALOR 2014 – Gießen 32 Backup slides