Academic Budget Workshop SPRING 2016
OVERVIEW Your accounts (excluding restricted, which means grants & scholarships) How accounts can be used. How to view the budget & activity.
Common Academic Accounts SourceAccount #Purpose State Appropriations DEPT.xxxx Salaries & Fringe Benefits Lab Fees* DEPT.xxxx Materials & supplies for the lab Designated Operating DEPT.xxxx Departmental operations, sometimes salaries, wages, & benefits, travel Program Fees DEPT.xxxx Used to support the provision of educational programs to students (University Program Fee Policy #4.04) *If applicable
Other Accounts SourceAccount #Purpose State Appropriations- Special items DEPT.xxxx Salaries & Fringe Benefits; (could incl. operations) Comprehensive Development Funds (Research) DEPT.xxxx.0000NNNNResearch Designated Surcharge (Differential) DEPT.xxxx Supports programs with excessive overhead costs; salaries, benefits, operations Discretionary Gift (aka Friends) … soon-to-be “Miscellaneous Activities” DEPT.xxxx.000NNNNNGeneral support of departmental programs.
What accounts do we have? What report should I use, Budget Manager’s Detail Report OR Funds Available in Oracle?
Texas Woman's University TWU Budget Manager's Detail Account: xxxx Periods: Sep-15 to Feb-16 Account Desc: Designated.Program Fees.Academic Support.Nutrition and Food Sciences.xxxx. PARENTOBJECTEFFECTIVE DATE SOURCEDESCRIPTIONBUDGET (B) ENCUMBRANCE (E) ACTUAL (A) BALANCE Bal = B - E - A Income -171, , , Grand Total (Revenue): -171, , , PARENTOBJECTEFFECTIVE DATE SOURCEDESCRIPTIONBUDGET (B) ENCUMBRANCE (E) ACTUAL (A) BALANCE Bal = B - E - A Capital Outlay Fringe Benefits 11, , , Maintenance & Operations 41, , , , Staff Salaries 18, , , Travel 18, , , Wages 100, , , Grand Total (Expenses): 191, , , ,565.34
Which to use? Lab Fees Program Fees Designated Tuition
Lab Fees DEPT.xxxx Lab materials & supplies (no salaries, wages, or travel) Per TEC, Section , Laboratory Fees – An institution of higher education shall set and collect a lab fee in an amount sufficient to cover the general cost of lab materials and supplies used by a student. … the amount of the lab fee may not exceed the cost of actual materials and supplies used by the student. Fee varies by department and is charged $xx per semester for the lab Funds roll forward annually Revenues post to accounts as students register for courses (which means they are deducted from the account if the student changes their schedule! )
University Program Fee, Policy # DEPT.xxxx The University Program Fee is assessed on the basis of course level: LL UG (1000- & 2000-level courses): $ 8/SCH UL UG(3000- & 4000-level courses): $15/SCH GRAD (5000- & 6000-level courses): $25/SCH Program Fee fund balances may be carried forward from one fiscal year to another; however, it is generally expected that the remaining fund balance should be no more than 10% of the current year revenues. Program fees are subject to audit at any time. The base budgets of departments with program fee balances in excess of 20% of annual revenue will be reviewed on an annual basis to determine whether any base budget adjustments are appropriate. used to support the provision of educational programs to students Revenue from the University Program Fee must be used to support the provision of educational programs to students, whether the courses involved are in face-to-face, hybrid or online formats.
LAB FEES & PROGRAM FEES How are revenue budgets determined? (1)Review current year revenues and estimate annual receipts (2)Review history of revenues (past 3-4 years); observe trends (3)Consider enrollment projections for new fiscal year (4)Consider influence of expected changes to programs
Designated Operating Accounts xx.DEPT.xxxx These accounts provide flexibility in achieving the educational mission of Texas Woman’s University. New budgets are created annually and funds do not roll forward. Guidelines for the use of these fees can be found on the Budget Office home page. A detailed sample of allowable and non-allowable expenses follows.
What items constitute CAPITAL purchases? In general - Cost > $5,000 Items have a useful life > 1 year Controlled items (> $500 & less than $5,000) Cameras, Video Camera, DVD Computer equipment (controlled) TV, Flat Panel Display, MP3 Check with Procurement Services for additional information.
For additional information: Account Guidelines FY2016 Budget Benefits Rate Budget Transfer Forms General Ledger Account Structure (Powerpoint) Budget Workshop Spring 2016 (Powerpoint) Please go to the Budget Office home page!Budget Office
“We must consult our means rather than our wishes.” ― George WashingtonGeorge Washington