Test on Friday Feb. 19th
Immigrant A person that leaves a country to live in another country is called an immigrant.
Ethnic Group A group of people who share a language, a history, or a culture are an ethnic group.
Cultural exchange A process in which different cultures share ideas and ways of doing things is a cultural exchange.
Melting pot A country in which all cultures blend together to form a single culture Like the United States Great American Melting Pot
Mosaic Refers to Canadian culture. Immigrants arriving in Canada keep their cultural traits and do not mix them into one big culture.
Currency Money Examples: US Dollar / Canadian Loonie
Cultural diversity A place with a wide variety of cultures
Cultural traits Items that all cultures have. These are the items that make all the cultures of the world different. Broke up into 10 traits
Reservation An area of land set aside for a special purpose
Treaty A formal agreement, usually between two or more nations.
Bilingual Someone that speaks two languages. A country that has two official languages.
Democracy Type of Government the United States has, which allows people to vote for government officials.
Urban Refers to living in a big city like Detroit, Chicago, New York, or LA.
Rural Refers to living in the country.
Suburban Refers to living between the big city and the country. Examples: St. Clair Shores, Warren, Grosse Pointe
reserve Like a reservation, it is land set aside by the government.
What influenced the cultures of Native Americans in North America? Where they lived because they had to adapt.
Native Americans in Canada preserve their culture by doing what? By working with the government to keep things like land, language, and important places.
Explain how the United States influenced Canadian Culture. Music TV shows Actors Movies Similar history immigration
How do Native American tribes influence each other? They trade and share ideas.
How did immigrants change American life? Immigrants brought their ethnic customs to America and blended them with others to create the customs we know today.
What are the 10 culture traits? Values Beliefs Religion Art Food Clothing Economics Government Family Life Language
What do values and beliefs mean? What is the difference between them? Values are things your family holds close to their hearts and LOVE more then anything. Beliefs are things your family think about and feel they should believe in. Values are things you love. Beliefs are things you believe in.
What do customs and traditions give people? They give people a sense of identify and belonging.
What jobs did most immigrants have in the US when they arrived from Europe? Factory workers Mill operators miners
List 3 examples of culture exchange. Native Americans teaching settlers how to grow food Spanish bringing horses to Native Americans Native Americans teaching the French how to trap animals for fur
What cultural characteristics do the US and Canada have in common? Sports Speaking English Music Actors Movies/TV shows
Why is Canada a mosaic and not a melting pot like the US? Canada is a mosaic because immigrants kept their own separate identity, customs, and tastes and did not mix the different cultures together like the US.