Update on HPMP preparation Art. 5 and CEIT ECA Network meeting - May 18-22, 2009 Yerevan, Armenia
Key activities A.1. Finalization of country guidance document and survey templates A.2 Establishment of International and national experts team A.3. Familiarization of the national teams of experts with the relevant documentation as well as with this Guidance. A.4 Review of existing national system of monitoring and reporting of ODS production and consumption A.5.Review of existing national policies, regulations, legislative and institutional framework on ODS management including HCFC A.6 Review of results and the “lessons learned” of the completed CFC phase out programme A.7 Initial identification and preliminary briefing of survey participants and stakeholders A.8. Preparation of Work programme and Milestones of survey conducting and reporting on consumption sectors B. Preparation of the HPMP B.1. Briefing of major institutional stakeholders and survey participants by IAs, NOU, International and national experts B.2. Preparation of Work programme and Milestones B.3. Review and comments by NOU, IAs B.4 Finalization and submission of the Final HPMP to MLFS/GEF
Questioner and Guidelines GEF: A guidance document has been jointly developed by UNDP, UNIDO and UNEP in consultation with the GEF Secretariat. More specifically it provides guidance on a consistent process of data and information collection/documentation on HCFC consumption, and the relevant institutional, legal, and regulatory framework in each of the Countries with Economies in Transition (CEIT) who operate under Article 2 of the Montreal Protocol and who are potentially eligible for GEF support in HCFC phase out. MLF: Questioner and guidance document has been by UNIDO, review/adapted for non-manufacturing countries
Survey The overall objective of this work is to collect all relevant technical, commercial, policy, institutional, legal and regulatory information and data on the current status of HCFC use and trade (consumption, export/import) across any sectors where it is used, with particular emphasis on the industrial and refrigeration servicing sectors, and to use this material to develop an “National Strategy Outline” (GEF) that will serve as the basis for the countries preparation of a National HCFC Phase Out Management Plan (HPMP) for meeting country obligations adopted by MOP 19 Decision XIX/6.
Teams Establishment of International and national experts team Familiarization of the national teams of experts with the relevant documentation as well as with this Guidance Completed
Challenges It is expected that when proposing alternative non-ODS technologies to replace HCFCs, the work would pay specific attention to the potential impacts these substitute technologies and substances have in relation to other global environmental issues as addressed in MEAs and conventions, related to POPs and climate change,. In particular, the GWP of substitute non-ODS materials requires assessment as does the energy efficiency of non-ODS technology options, including capitalizing on sustainability gains and long-term cost-savings.
Selection criteria Goals and Constrains Goals: key indicators of sustainable development from UN System of Indicators ODP GWP. It is necessary to consider both direct and indirect emission associated with energy consumption The Labor productivity The Gross Domestic Product per capita Water use intensity by economic activity Employment of population Constrains: budget, technical requirements to equipment performance such as energy consumption and refrigeration capacity, payback period, duration of personnel training, etc AHP model or the hierarchy “Goal- Criteria- Alternatives” for selection of substitutes can be used
Challenges No decision - on Cut of Date up to 6 scenarios to be consider No decision - Double Stage conversion specially for big consumers, different strategies/priorities to be selected In cases when Article 5 countries decide to submit projects to address HCFC consumption in advance of finalizing their HPMPs, the quantity of HCFC to be phased out under those projects will be deducted from the starting point (decision 55/43 (b)) between the most recent reported HCFC consumption or the average of the consumption forecast for 2009 and 2010 Servicing sector – part of the HPMP cost effectives and type of activities
Thank you! Yury SOROKIN 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel. (+43 1)