IG Source Card 1) The Music of Islam 2) The Middle East Resources 3) Music 4) The Islamic World Volume II 5) Islamic Art 6) Art and Architecture 7) Art History Revised 8) Fanar--Islamic Art 9) BBC--Islamic Art
IG Background Source 5 S Page 1 Muslims couldn’t depict humans/animals/idol-worship– against the rules Islamic art took on a completely different form—compared to other art forms portrayed a balance and harmony in the world Early artists created Islam’s geometric art form
3 IG Materials Source 5 S Page 2 Islamic art has many different forms This is because the Muslim world covers many territories-- meaning that the different areas developed different forms examples: calligraphy, ceramic/pottery, embroidery, geometric designs, architecture All Islamic art forms require close attention to detail Decorations on houses/mosques, and calligraphy in the Quran are import art forms
4 IG InfluencesSource 5 QPage 3 “God likes that when you do anything, you do it excellently.” - Prophet Mohammad
5 IG InfluencesSource 5 SPage 3 Religious figures were never depicted in Islamic art-- but religion was a big influence People felt that their art needed to be perfect in order to reach God’s standards They felt that the art on/about/with places of worship, homes, everyday tools needed to be perfect Art was made for decoration not for emotional purpose Not much documentation of Islamic artist--but their art influences other Islamic artists
6 IG MaterialsSource 5 QPage 2 “Throughout the history of Islam, its art has taken a great variety of forms in the different parts of the Muslim world, which stretches from North Africa to Southeast Asia, according to local customs and conditions ranging from unsophisticated folk art to that of the most skilled artists or artisans.” -Elisabeth Siddiqui
MaterialsSource 6 SPage 3/4 Cordova, Great Mosque is the greatest architectural achievement of the Muslim World Columns were a important architectural feature Ceiling heights in the Cordova were raised in comparison to past monuments Arches were another important feature– arches typically overlapped Arches were also used for support Arches were found in two tiers 7
8 InfluenceSource 8 QPage 1 “Islamic art seeks to portray the meaning and essence of things, rather than just their physical form.” --Fanar.gov (essentials of Islamic Art)
9 Materials/StyleSource 8 SPage 1-2 Calligraphy was developed b/c of Muslims’ love and respect for religion (Quran) Used to make writing look beautiful Calligraphy is typically angular, thick, heavy and bold Types: naskh--most popular, used for printing/writing Thuluth-- most important “King of Styles,” write headings, religious inscriptions, epigrams Ta’liq-- used specifically for Persian language Diwani-- structured, created by Ottoman Turks
10 Materials/StyleSource 8 SPage 2-3 Stained Glass was first used in Egypt--Islamic territory Stained Glass became popular through trade Shapes, calligraphy and florals were large influences for Islamic stained glass All Islamic art was created with the goal of becoming a symbol of harmony and unity and beauty Stained Glass appeared in mosques, street lamps and other parts in Islamic territories
11 MaterialsSource 8 SPage 3 arabesque-- technique of patterning geometric shapes/calligraphy Used for decorating windows (stained glass), houses and inns Arabesques differ between each artist-- depending on their artistic view--no two are really alike Arabesques have hidden meanings-- symbolism
12 InfluencesSource 9 SPage 2 Cultural views influence art The way Muslims see the universe/spiritual world is another influence Islamic art focuses on objects spiritual representation--not their appearance This is b/c all Muslim World is centered around Allah-- very spiritual life style They feel spiritual representation of the artistic subject is a way to bring them closer to Allah Beauty is a quality of divine beings-- therefore they feel their art must be divine to impress or meet Allah’s standards
13 Style/MaterialsSource 9 SPage 2-3 Majority of art contains geometric patterns Muslims liked geometric shapes in art b/c they felt it was a universal language--even if people weren’t part of the Islamic World they could still comprehend/ have an understanding of the art They felt geometric shapes were spiritual Circles: have no end, infinite-- Allah is infinite Complex designs: repetition--Allah is infinite Repeating patterns: repetition is the multiples of a singular subject--Allah is infinite Geometric patterns help represent nature’s spiritual presence
14 Styles/MaterialsSource 9 SPage 3 Arts and crafts were apart of everyday life in Islamic World They thought Islam was beautiful so art should be used to make life beautiful. life:language art:life
15 Background Source 9 SPage 1 Islamic art is vibrant and lively Islamic art covers more than just religion-- unlike Christian art Islamic art is full of tradition, religion-- timeless and is comprehendible in other cultures All Islamic art has similar features-- arabesques, geometry, patterns
16 InfluenceSource 9 Q/PPage 1 The Essences of Islamic Art –“Includes all Muslim art, not just explicitly religious art” –“Islamic art seeks to portray the meaning and essence of things, rather than just their physical form” –“Crafts and decorative arts are regarded as having full art status” –“Painting and sculpture are not thought of as the noblest forms of art” –“Calligraphy is a major art form” –“Writing ha a high status in Islam” –“Writing is a significant decoration for objects and buildings” –“Books are a major art form” –“Geometry and patterns are important” –“People do not appear in specifically religious art”