Lettering & Commercial Art is open to students in grades who have successfully completed either Drawing 1 or Introduction to Art. A materials fee is required. In this class students explore:
The Art of Calligraphy
The Battle of the Bands Logo Design has often been a class assignment ….. Logo Design …………………………….
If the Battle of the Bands or another opportunity is not available, logo images are created from a photograph.
Students create a flyer for a client, scanning their artwork & using Adobe Photoshop software for text.
Additional exposures to Adobe Photoshop software include lettering effects and ……..
Photo Montage
Computer lessons also introduce the student to PowerPoint software. Assignments involve the exploration of graphic, animation and transition possibilities. Students ultimately create a PowerPoint “Infomercial”
Assignments also require the solving of design problems. Above, two examples of the Word Drawing Assignment
Examples of the Redesigned Product Label Assignment
A course objective is to expose students to authentic experiences that demonstrate how a Commercial or Graphic Artist may be asked to apply artistic skills. Thus… assignments may be changed or adjusted to meet these opportunities. The next 2 slides give examples of some opportunities introduced in past classes.
One class had the chance to create a flag design for the Youth Art Month Flag Competition. This design, created by a student in the class, was awarded first place, transformed into a cloth flag, & represented the state of Minnesota in Washington DC for the event.
Banners, made by Wincraft, currently hang in the WSHS Concourse. Designs were created by three Lettering and Commercial Art students in response to a request for Winona landscape motifs.