The Research Process for EE
Source: By the end of this session you should understand: What is an abstract? What are the IB criteria & assessment? Where does the abstract go? How to write an EE abstract. Abstract Abstract
What is an abstract? …a summary of the content according to the Oxford Dictionary (Second Edition 2003) Source:
…so any reader should be able to read your abstract and know exactly what your essay is about ……. Source:
It must make sense by itself i.e. be a self-contained, stand alone description of your research. Source:
What are the IB criteria? The abstract should not exceed 300 words
What are the IB criteria? The abstract should state clearly: the research question being investigated the scope of the investigation the conclusion(s) of the extended essay 3 elements!
How is it assessed? No abstract or abstract is over 300 words or one or more of the 3 elements is missing Source: All 3 elements included but not clearly stated All 3 elements included and clearly stated
Where does the abstract go? immediately after the title page i.e. page 2 Source:
5 Tips for writing an abstract: 1.Write it last! Source:
Source: 2. Re-read your essay looking specifically for 3 elements : What issue/question does your essay consider (Why? Might be included here too.) The scope of your research - How you went about your project and the extent of the work What conclusions, recommendations and implications did you make 5 Tips for writing an abstract:
3. Summarise and write a separate paragraph for each of the three elements.. Para 1: Research question Para 2: Scope Para 3: Conclusion 5 Tips for writing an abstract: Source:
4. Write in the third person …. This essay examines to what extent… The research question being investigated was…. The objective of this essay is… Rather than… In my essay I answered the question… 5 Tips for writing an abstract Source:
5. Make sure your abstract is… ACCURATE Reflects the purpose and content of your study, with no new information added. CONCISE Make every word count; be brief but get the maximum information in that you can COHERENT Write clearly using effective language – remember it is the first impression a reader will get of your work. 5 Tips for writing an abstract As advised by Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed., p )
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