2 Objectives 1.Describe the anatomy of the nervous system using the diagrams (Neuron, Brain and Spinal Cord). Include the name and number of each of the nerves in the spinal cord. 2.Describe the meninges and understand their function. 3.Define central (CNS) and peripheral (PNS) and the autonomic (ANS) systems.
3 Objectives continued 4.Define dermatome as it relates to the Nervous system. 5.List the combining forms of the nervous system. 6.List the abbreviations of the nervous system. 7.Describe common pathologies of the nervous system.
Nervous System Video 4
5 The Nervous System Brain Neuron Spine
6 Anatomy of the Brain meningi/o brain cerebr/o encephal/o mening/o myel/o
7 Combining-Form Examples cerebrovascularpertaining to the brain and vessels encephalocelehernia of the brain
8 Combining-Form Examples meningodyniapain of the meninges meningitisinflammation of the meninges
9 Combining-Form Examples myelocelehernia of the spinal cord
10 Anatomy of a Neuron neur/o: nerve
11 Combining-Form Examples neurologist specialist in the study of the nerves (nervous disorders)
12 Anatomy of the Spine 12 spin/o: spine
13 Combining-Form Examples spinalpertaining to the spine
Other Combining Forms cerebell/ocerebellum gangli/oganglion gli/oglue like lex/oword, phrase narc/osleep, stupor phas/ospeech psych/omind 14
Other Combining Forms radicul/onerve root sthen/ostrength thalam/othalamus ton/otension, tone ventricul/oventricle 15
16 Neural Tube Defect (Spina Bifida)
17 Spina bifida can lead to paralysis. A.True B.False
18 Lumbar Puncture
19 What is analyzed in a lumbar puncture? A.Urine B.Platelets C.CSF D.Blood
20 Cephalalgia means inflammation of the cerebellum. A.True B.False
21 Meningioma means tumor of a ganglion. A.True B.False
22 Terms to Learn Common Tests and Procedures Abbreviations Pathology Terms
23 Common Tests and Procedures Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis: Analysis of CSF for blood, bacteria, and other abnormalities Computed tomography (CT): Study of the brain and spinal cord using radiology and computer analysis
24 Common Tests and Procedures Electroencephalography (EEG): Study of electrical activity of the brain Electromyogram (EMG): Record of muscle activity from electrical stimulation
25 Common Tests and Procedures Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Use of an electromagnetic field and radio waves to create visual images on a computer screen Myelography: Radiography of the spinal cord and associated nerves
26 Abbreviations ALSamyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig disease) ANSautonomic nervous system ADHDattention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
27 Abbreviations CNScentral nervous system CPcerebral palsy CSFcerebrospinal fluid CTcomputed tomography
28 Abbreviations CVAcerebrovascular accident EEGelectroencephalography EMGelectromyogram GBSGuillain-Barré syndrome
29 Abbreviations OCDobsessive-compulsive disorder PNSperipheral nervous system SCIspinal cord injury TGAtransient global amnesia
30 Abbreviations TIAtransient ischemic attack TNtrigeminal neuralgia
31 Pathology Terms Alzheimer disease: form of chronic, progressive dementia caused by the atrophy of brain tissue Bell palsy: form of facial paralysis, usually unilateral and temporary
32 Pathology Terms brain abscess: collection of pus anywhere within the brain cerebral contusion: bruising of brain tissue
33 Pathology Terms cerebral palsy (CP): group of motor- impairment syndromes caused by lesions or abnormalities of the brain delirium: acute, reversible state of agitated confusion, marked by disorientation, hallucinations, or delusions
34 Pathology Terms depression: mood disorder marked by loss of interest or pleasure in living encephalitis: inflammation of the brain; often combined with meningitis and then called encephalomeningitis
35 Pathology Terms epilepsy: chronic disorder of the brain marked by recurrent seizures multiple sclerosis (MS): disease involving progressive myelin degeneration, which results in loss of muscle strength and coordination