Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Environment Department, GoM and Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Make in Maharashtra initiatives towards Ease of Doing Business ( DIPP Assessment Framework)
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Reforms under Make in India & EoDB Sr. No DecisionReform 1Scheme of Auto Renewal of consent based on Self certification for Green Industry Auto renewal of consent with self certification was already implemented for the cases received at HQ. Further it has decided to made applicable this scheme for Orange & Green category of Industries by simplifying self certification i.e. obtaining Self - Compliance Certificate and Undertaking by Authorised Signatory instead of Board Resolution. The Circular in this regard issued on Board has introduce Simplified Consent application form for obtaining Consent for ‘Green’ category of industries. Application reduced from 8 page to 2 page. As per circular dtd same application is rolled out 2Introduced Simplified Consent application for Green Categoary Industries
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Status Reports as per Reform circulars under Make in Maharashtra & EoDB Sr. NoDecisionStatus 3Risk based randomized inspection should be introduced by MPCB In this regard the circular has already issued on 15/06/2015. Boards Software developers has done amendment in existing Boards IMIS & ready to run the program. 4.provision which mandates submission of inspection reports within 48 hours? Circular is issued on for online submission of inspection report within 24 hrs on Boards IMIS application. Further corrigendum issued on for online submission of inspection report within 48 hrs on Boards IMIS application. 5Reduction in time span for processing to expedite disposal/ grant of Consent and Authorization. Board Circular dt regarding 50 percent reduction of time span is attached.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Status Reports as per Reform circulars under Make in Maharashtra & EoDB Sr. No DecisionStatus 6 Reduction in steps for while granting Registration/Auth orizartion under Plastic waste rules & HW rule. In order to reduce one step, decided to issue Registration & 1st C to O at a time Whereas case of HW recycler/E-waste registration & 1st C to O will be issued based on compliance. In this regards Board has issued circular on 24/06/2015 & 06/07/ Introduce a system for online application Board has introduced online portal from 1st Feb that allows online application and payment without the need for a physical touch point for document submission and verification. E-Payment gateway integration is also a part of this assignment. 8Consent validity for 5 year The Consent renewal period increased from 3yrs to 5 yrs for the Red category industries. Circular is issued on
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Salient features of Web-portal: online application 1. Easy Applications online for Consent and other statutory reports. 2.Online tracking of status 3. Step by step guide available with Save to draft option 4. SMS / alerts to industry to update the status of Application 5. Everything is digitize so paperless work 6. Very good interactive messaging system for MPCB office and Industry user(No Live Chat) 7. MPCB official dashboard to review their applications 8. MPCB team can view pending and in process applications 9. Industry / MPCB can use Document section to request any missing document 10. Renewal notification to Industry user by SMS / .
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Introduction of Randomized Risk based inspection & sampling To ensure the transparency and strong monitoring mechanism of the Field Officers performance, Board has introduced the “Randomized Risk Based Inspection & Sampling (RRBIS)” through software based tool for selection of industries based on pollution potential. List of the industries for sampling and inspection for each Field Officer shall be generated for each jurisdiction through software and same shall be monitored through automated software based tool. In this regard the circular has already issued on 15/06/2015. Key Features of Visit Scheduler Display industries whose due date falls in current month. System will automatically check for holidays and weekends prior to scheduling the visits. System will consider employee’s availability prior to scheduling Industry and Employee assignment randomly.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Randomization Program Industry Statistics CategoryL.S.IM.S.IS.S.ITotal Red Orange Green Grand Total
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Randomization Program Mandatory VisitsFrequencyTotal Visits per year Common Facilities (CETP=24 Nos; CHWTSDF=4 Nos & CBMWTSDF= 33 Nos ) Twice in a month Category Highly Polluting Industries (440 nos.) Monthly5280
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Randomization Program Proposed frequency for visits for randomization program CategoryLSIMSISSI RedQuarterly6 MonthlyYearly Orange6 MonthlyYearly--- Green--- Orange/SSI & Green industries not to be visited frequently. These industries shall be visited only at the time of consent to establish and first operate.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Randomization Program CategoryLarge Scale IndustriesMedium Scale IndustriesSmall Scale Industries No. of Ind. frequenc y of visits per year Total Visits/ye ar No. of Ind. frequenc y of visits per year Total Visits/ye ar No. of Ind. frequenc y of visits per year Total Visits/ye ar Red Orange Grand Total Total Visits /Year47722 Total No. of Field Officer working on field as on today125 Visit /FO/Month32
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Randomization of Visit Scheduler Randomization of Visit scheduler is designed to schedule the Field Officer's visit to industry for inspection and sample collection for Air,Water and Hazardous Wastes. Visit Scheduler will schedule the visits of Field officer’s to industry for inspection depending on the category and size of the industry, considering the last visited date of the field officer. Open Visit Scheduler, select 'Region' and click on 'Go' button. All industries of selected region will display on the screen. For all those industries whose visit's already scheduled for future date will not appear again in this report.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Visit Scheduler Entry
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Functionality of Visit Scheduler System will automatically schedule the visits for field officer of selected region randomly. Depending on number of field officer’s available and frequency of visits. Visit date calculated on the basis of Last visited date, average frequency, industry and scale. It provides the flexibility to modify ‘Visit Date’ and ‘Employee name’ as per requirement. Field officer’s of selected region will display in ‘Employee’ drop-down.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Visit Browser Screen
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Visit Entry Screen
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Visit Scheduler Report
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Notification of Enforcement Policy Board has finalized and published the Enforcement Policy vide Notification dtd. 29/02/2016 after obtaining comments of the CPCB and refining by conducting one day workshop of SPCBs officials. The key feature of the policy is to integrate various aspects including inspections, monitoring, standards, compliances, directions, remedial measures and filing of complaints before various Courts as per the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 & other Environmental Laws, based on culpability, environmental damages, severity of pollution, repeated violations etc. It also mandated for taking uniform decision’s among the Board officer based on gravity of violation.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Avoid Pollution, Protect Environment ! THANKS