MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN 2015 Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 31 August1 September2345/ / / / October23/ /11 september 3:45pm Cross Country: Varsity Butte Cetral (Fairmont Hot Springs) 9:00am Golf: Varsity Tournament Columbia Falls Mission Mountain Country Club National Day of Vietnam 4:00pm Football: Froshmore Falls High School National Day of Vietnam Varisty Golf 9:30 AM at East glacier Varsity Football 7PM Vs Corvallis Newspaper Carrier Day Sat/5 th Varsity Boys and girls Soccer game at Bigfork HS Boys 1pm, girls 3pm No school LABOR DAY Knock, knock. Who's there? To. To who? “No, To whom” Girls/Boys JV Soccer games vs Frenchtown 3 pm, 5 pm International Literacy Day Varsity Golf tournament at 9 AM at “The Ranch Club” vs hellgate, sentinel, and Columbia falls Martyrs' Day in Afghanistan Cross Country Varsity Invitational at Mission Mountain Country Club Girls Varsity pm vs polson, World Suicide Prevention Day 7:00 pm Football: Varsity Game vs Home No News is Good News Day Sat/12 th Boys&Girls Varsity Games at Stevensville HS Boys 11 am, girls 1 pm Football: Froshmore 4pm vs Hellgate Engineer's Day in Romania Boys/Girls Varsity Soccer vs Home Boys 4pm, girls 6 pm International Day of DemocracyInternational Day of Democracy #VOTE EARLY OUT International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer Volleyball Vs Frenchtown 4:15pm –Freshman girls 5:45pm – girls jv 7:15 pm- Varsity Match Constitution Day JV Soccer Vs Frenchtown 3pm, 5 pm National POW/MIA Recognition Day Sat/19 th Varsity Football Billings Senior 7pm Froshmore Football 4:30 pm at Stevensville HS International Day of Peace Varsity Corvallis High School Boys 3:30pm, girls 5:30pm Elephant Appreciation Day What do you say when you are comforting a grammar nazi? “There,their,they’re” Autumnal equinox Frenchtown HS vs Columbia Valls 4:15pm 5:45 pm Varsity 7:15 pm Varsity Football Polson 7:00pm Native American Day Sat/26 th Cross Country Varsity Frenchtown Elementary (lower fields) Froshmore Football Polson HS – 5pm World Rabies Day Boy/Girls Varsity Layola Girls 3pm, boys 5pm International Coffee Day There is a band called 1023MB. “They haven’t had any gigs yet” International Translation Day Boys/Girls Varsity Soccer vs 3pm-girls Boys-5pm C, E flat, and G walk into a bar. The bartender says “Sorry, No minors” Why can't you trust atoms? “because they make up everything” What do you get when you put root beer in a square glass? “Beer” What is a physicist's favorite food? “Fission Chips” When I was a kid my teacher looked my way and said 'Name two pronouns.‘ “I said ‘Who, me?’” Did your father help you with your homework? “No he did it all by himself” Doctor, I have a pain in my eye whenever I drink tea “Take the spoon out first” What has a bottom at its top? “a leg” 4:30 PM Soccer:Boys Varsity Practice Frenchtown High School - Soccer Field HS Brought to you by Student Council Events The first rule of tautology club is... “The first rule of tautology club”