Definition History Fabrication process Advantages Disadvantages Applications
Definition History Fabrication process Advantages Disadvantages Applications
INTEGRATED CIRCUIT: Integrated circuit is a microscopic array of electronic circuits and components that are diffused or implanted onto the surface of a single crystal, or chip, of semiconducting material such as silicon.
Definition History Fabrication process Advantages Disadvantages Applications
First integrated circuit was proposed by G.W.A.Dummer in First functional integrated circuit was demonstrated and patented by Jack Kilby in Robert noyce also patented the first integrated circuit in the year 1959.
The number of transistors in an IC doubles for every 18 months.
AAnalog IC’s Ex: op-Amps, voltage regulators DDigital IC’s Ex: Micro processors,Multiplexers,decoders MMixed signal IC’s Ex: ADC,DAC
Small scale integration( SSI) Medium scale integration( MSI) Large scale integration( LSI) Very large scale integration(VLSI) Ultra large scale integration(ULSI)
System-on-a-ChipSystem-on-a-Chip (SOC) All the components needed for a system are included on a single chip. Three Dimensional Integrated CircuitThree Dimensional Integrated Circuit (3D-IC) It has two or more layers of active electronic components. Wafer-scale integrationWafer-scale integration (WSI) It uses an entire silicon wafer to produce a single "super-chip".
The first microprocessor was developed by Intel Corporation in It went into commercial production in 1971 as the Intel Intel introduced their 8088 chip in 1979.
Definition History Fabrication process Advantages Disadvantages Applications
The construction & design plans for the chip are prepared on a computer-aided drafting machine
From the construction plans i mage is made into a mask.
UUnder precisely monitored conditions, a pure silicon crystal is grown. HHeated to its melting point of about 2550°F (1400°C). DDiameter is about 1.5 to 4.0 inches (3.8 to 10.2 cm).
A thin, round wafer of silicon is cut off the ingot using a precise cutting machine called a wafer slicer. Each slice is about 0.01 to inches (0.004 to 0.01 cm) thick.
steps involved 1.Wafer cleaning 2.Barrier layer formation 3.Photoresist application 4.Soft baking 5.Mask alignment 6.Exposure and development 7.Hard-baking Photolithography is the process of transferring geometric shapes on a mask to the surface of a silicon wafer.
Dry Dry Etch, PR strip, or clean Rinse
The surfaces of the wafer are coated with a layer of silicon dioxide.
A covering film of protective material is put on top of the insulating silicon dioxide.
UV-light is shown through a mask and onto the chip.
The wafer is developed, rinsed and baked.
The wafer is treated with chemicals in a process called "etching."
Horizontal Furnace Center Zone Flat Zone Distance Temperature Heating Coils Quartz Tube Gas flow Wafers
Silicon substrate Diffusion of reactants
Metal is added to connect the components to each other in a process called metallization.
Photoresist applicationImparting patterns Development
Etching removes the metal not protected by photo resist. This leaves a pattern of metal that is the same as the one described by the mask. Formation of multiple layers
When the final layer of connecting metal wires have been added, the chips on the silicon wafer are tested.
The chips on the wafer are separated with a diamond saw to form individual integrated circuits.
Finally, each chip is packed into the protective casing and subjected to another series of tests.
1.Low cost 2.High reliability 3.Low power requirements 4.High processing speeds 5.Low power dissipation 6.Less weight 7.Less space
CCannot be modified. CCannot be repaired.