AnCora-Net Mapping the Spanish Ancora-Verb lexicon to VerbNet Mariona Taulé Maria Antònia Martí Oriol Borrega UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA
AnCora-Net Multilingual Verbal lexicon Basque EPEC lexicon Catalan AnCora-Verb Spanish AnCora-Verb English Unified Verb Index
AnCora-Verb 2,820 Verb items 24 classes Prestar.01 Prestar.02 Default frame: accomplishment, ditransitive suj - Arg0 - AGT cd – Arg1 - PAT ci – Arg2 - BEN Passive diathesis: achievement suj – Arg1 - PAT ci – Arg2 - BEN cag – Arg0 - AGT Default frame: state, attributive (…) GO!
AnCora-Net Multilingual Unified Verb Index Basque EPEC lexicon Catalan AnCora-Verb Spanish AnCora-Verb English Unified Verb Index
UVI FrameNet (4,186 links) OntoNotes Sense Groupings (2199 links) 5,879 verbs represented GO! VerbNet (5726 links, 270 classes) PropBank (4,592 links) WordNet
VerbNet to AnCora-Verb mapping: case study give 13.1 give Change of possession Dative alternation a32 Ditransitive accomplishments: Agent Patient Beneficiary PropBank WordNet 12 verbs
class a32 30 verbs (30% of the class) VerbNet senses VerbNet to AnCora-Verb mapping: case study PropBank
class a32 30 verbs (30% of the class) VerbNet senses 20 classes ditransitive transfer VerbNet to AnCora-Verb mapping: case study PropBank [+animate]
1) Automatic mapping AnCora-Verb frame PropBank roleset WordNet synset VerbNet lemmas General Spanish-English correspondence VerbNet lemmas Manual mapping
1) Automatic mapping AnCora-Verb frame PropBank roleset WordNet synset VerbNet lemmas General Spanish-English correspondence VerbNet lemmas Manual mapping Using WN sensesLemma-to-lemmaWithout correspondence 23,37413,271 (57%)9,214 (39%)889 (4%) Links per frame 1-4: 2,400 +4: 920 Average: : : 552 Average: 7.8 -
2) Validation 3) Automatic enrichment of AnCora-Verb 1) Automatic mapping VerbNet class PropBank rolesets FrameNet conceptual frames WordNet Synsets Grouping senses Linking of AnCora-ES, AnCora-CA and EPEC-ADI LinksReviewedWith valid mapping assigned Could not be assigned valid mapping Remaining 23,37413,205 (56%)3,889 (16%)250 (6%)10,169 (44%) Median: 1.76 Standard deviation: 1.11 Frame with most links: molestar (11)
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