Open Water Diver
How deep can you dive? 33ft 66ft 100ft 130ft snorkeling 2
3 What is one of the biggest misconceptions about scuba diving? That you can run out of air underwater
4 What is the most important consideration when selecting a mask? The fit to your face
5 What are the two types of fins? full-foot and heel-strap
6 What are the two metals that scuba cylinders made from? steel and aluminum
7 What are the two types of valves typically found in the United States? DIN “K”(yoke) (Deutsches Institut fur Normung)
8 and 9 8.At what interval should a cylinder have a hydrostatic test? 9.At what interval should a cylinder have a visual inspection? At what interval should a cylinder have a hydrostatic test? At what interval should a cylinder have a visual inspection? every year every 5 years
10 What is the purpose of the 1st stage regulator? to drop high pressure gas to intermediate pressure
What is the purpose of the 2nd stage regulator? to reduce the air pressure from approximately 150psi above the surrounding pressure to whatever the ambient (surrounding) pressure is 11
12 What does the acronym, “RBS” stand for? Redundant Breathing System
13 What does the acronym, “SPG” stand for and what does the SPG do? it indicates how much air is in the cylinder S ubmersible P ressure G auge
14 What gauge tells you how many feet of water is above your head? depth guage
15 What navigational aid is used to determine course and direction? compass
16 What device(s) is necessary for the diver to take with them to determine how long they have been underwater? timing device (watch) and/or dive computer
17 What does the acronym, “BCD” stand for and what does it do? Buoyancy Compensation Device; to control whether you float on the surface of the water, hover, or sink
18 What is the name of the device that is used to add air to the BCD and are the name of the two buttons? low pressure inflator, power inflator button, deflator/oral-inflation valve button
19 What is used to offset positive buoyancy that the diver may encounter? ballast or weights
20 What two types of protection can a wetsuit or drysuit provide to the diver? environmental and thermal
21 Name two dive tools that divers often take with them? diver’s tool (knife) and scissors
22 What are the two reasons for “flying” a “diver-down” flag? to let others know that there are divers in the water; to let boaters know there are divers in the water
23 Name two purposes of the “logbook?” record dive data and acknowledge dives for recognition
Name two types of kick styles? flutter flutter 24 frog frog dolphin dolphin modified frog modified frog modified flutter modified flutter
What is the name of the rubber, plastic, or synthetic item that is shaped like a donut and is used to seal the surfaces of the regulator and tank to prevent air from leaking into the water? o-ring 25
26 and 27 buddy check What is the name of the task that divers should perform prior to entering the water? What is the best way to enter the water? the safest and easiest way
Name two ways to recover a lost 2nd stage regulator? lean and sweep and reach method 28, 29 and 30 Name two ways to “clear” a 2nd stage regulator? What is it called when air is flowing out of your 2nd stage regulator by itself? exhalation and depressing the purge button free-flow
What should you do if the regulator comes out of your mouth? exhale (blow bubbles) 31
32 When should you “equalize?” When should you “equalize?” often and regularly
Name two types of ascents that a diver could do if they are alone and they run out of air? emergency swimming ascent emergency buoyant ascent 33
What do you do if you look around and your buddy is no where to be found? lost buddy procedure 34
35. What does Boyle’s Law state? 36. As one descends, what happens to a gas in a soft container? 37. As one ascends, what happens to a gas in a soft container? 38. Upon ascent, if gas is not released from the soft container, what happens to that container? an inverse relationship between pressure and volume when temperature is constant it compresses it expands it expands until it bursts
What is the name of the injury that can occur if you hold your breath on ascent? 39 over-expansion injury, air embolism
40. What is the name of the gas that cause us to want to breath? 41. What is the name of the gas that is responsible for decompression sickness? nitrogen carbon dioxide
42. What is “narcosis” and what is responsible for it? 43. What can happen to the diver when breathing oxygen at a partial-pressure above 1.6 atmospheres? oxygen toxicity, seizures a feeling of intoxication, an increase of the partial-pressure of nitrogen
44. What “limits” for diving does the Open Water Diver follow without specialized training? 45. What is “time-to-fly” and what is the “general” rule? how long before one can fly on an airplane or drive to altitude; 1 dive in one day, wait for 12 hours; multiple dives in one day, wait for 18 hours; multiple dives in multiple days, wait for 24 hours (NAUI = 24 HOURS) no-decompression limits
46. What does the acronym, “SEABAG” stand for? SEABAG ite mergency ctivity uoyancy ir ear
47. What is a “contingency plan” and what is the “slogan” used to avoid having to use a contingency plan? for any activity, what happens if changes for any reason; plan your dive, dive your plan
What are good diving practices all about? (click on image or link to go to video) (push space bar to go to next slide)
48. What are the treatments for decompression sickness? 49. How can a diver prevent decompression sickness? What can be done to lower the risk of decompression sickness? do not dive (a diver cannot), ascend slowly and manage nitrogen on/off-gassing 100% oxygen, recompression
50. When diving from a boat that is moored in current, in which direction does the diver start the dive? 51. What skill has many useful benefits to the diver and many useful benefits to the marine environment? 52. Certification alone does not guarantee competence. In order to become proficient at diving, what does the diver have to do? dive often and regularly... continuing education... refresher courses... into the current good buoyancy
click CONTINUE for computer aided training push space bar for dive tables click CONTINUE to start “Diving with a Computer” push SPACE BAR to start “Diving with Dive Tables”
53. What is the maximum no- decompressi on limits for a dive to 60 feet? After the dive, what is the diver’s letter group? O O 55 minutes O “I”
54. What is the letter group for a diver after completing a dive to 101 feet for 14 minutes? Can the diver make a direct ascent to the surface? Why? OO O “F” Yes... they have no decompression obligation, but they should do a safety stop
55. What is the letter group for a diver after completing a dive to 101 feet for 16 minutes? Can the diver make a direct ascent to the surface? Why? O O O “G” no. the diver MUST stop at 15 feet for 5 minutes
56. A diver does a dive to 92 feet for 21 minutes. What is their letter group after their first dive? After a one hour and thirty minute surface interval, the diver wants to go on a second dive to 85 feet for 19 minutes. What was the diver’s letter group after their surface interval? “G” “E” O O O OO
O O O O O O 57. According to the tables, what is the Adjusted Maximum Dive Time for the diver from question 56 after the surface interval of one hour and thirty minutes? So what does that mean about the second dive? (the diver wants to go on a second dive to 85 feet for 19 minutes) O O 5 minutes the diver went beyond no-decompression limits and must do a 7 minute stop at 15 feet O
56. A diver does a dive to 92 feet for 21 minutes. What is their letter group after their first dive? After a one hour and thirty minute surface interval, the diver wants to go on a second dive to 85 feet for 19 minutes. What was the diver’s letter group after their surface interval? “G” “E” O O O OO 58. What can that diver do to make the second dive from question 56 happen? 58. extend surface interval (but they will have to wait 7 hours and 36 minutes OO
56. A diver does a dive to 92 feet for 21 minutes. What is their letter group after their first dive? After a one hour and thirty minute surface interval, the diver wants to go on a second dive to 85 feet for 19 minutes. What was the diver’s letter group after their surface interval? “G” “E” O O O OO 59. Does the diver from question 56 have any other options? 59. dive to a shallower depth if they want to do a dive of at least 19 minutes or go into decompres- sion and remain at 15 feet for 7 minutes O O
56. A diver does a dive to 92 feet for 21 minutes. What is their letter group after their first dive? After a one hour and thirty minute surface interval, the diver wants to go on a second dive to 85 feet for 19 minutes. What was the diver’s letter group after their surface interval? “G” “E” O O O OO 60. Is there a problem that might occur by extending the dive time of that second dive? 60. they may not have enough air to complete their obligated decompres- sion O O
56. A diver does a dive to 92 feet for 21 minutes. What is their letter group after their first dive? After a one hour and thirty minute surface interval, the diver wants to go on a second dive to 85 feet for 19 minutes. What was the diver’s letter group after their surface interval? “G” “E” O O O OO 61. Let’s say that the diver from question 56 takes a three hour surface interval and then only wants to go to 70 feet. How long can the diver stay at 70 feet? minutes O O
56. A diver does a dive to 92 feet for 21 minutes. What is their letter group after their first dive? After a one hour and thirty minute surface interval, the diver wants to go on a second dive to 85 feet for 19 minutes. What was the diver’s letter group after their surface interval? “G” “E” O O O O O 62. Let’s say that the diver wants to go to 80 feet for the second dive and is okay with only spending 17 minutes at that depth. What is the minimum surface interval required in order to make that dive without a required decompression stop? hours O O O
56. A diver does a dive to 92 feet for 21 minutes. What is their letter group after their first dive? After a one hour and thirty minute surface interval, the diver wants to go on a second dive to 85 feet for 19 minutes. What was the diver’s letter group after their surface interval? “G” “E” O O O OO 63. Why are the dive tables so limiting? What do they not account for? Why? Is there a way to do these dives above, not go into decompression, and possibly reduce the length of the surface intervals? How? 63. they rely on a square profile and do not account for ascents during the dive. the average depth may actually be a lot less. do the dives with a dive computer and dive nitrox.