Unit 7 It’s raining!. Teaching procedures Teaching effects Teaching Material Students Teaching &Learning methods.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 It’s raining!

Teaching procedures Teaching effects Teaching Material Students Teaching &Learning methods

Part1 Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.1. Status and function Teaching Aims 3.3. Teaching important and difficult points 4. Teaching aids

Part1 Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.Status and function The topic of this lesson is about the weather.The idea of this teaching material emphasizes the practical use of English. It can improve students' abilities of creativity and learning strategies. Through accomplishing different tasks, students can exactly get key information with the target language they learned. And they can also use English to have better communications.

Knowledge aims Part1 Analysis of the Teaching Material Master and use Present Progressive Tense 2. Teaching Aims

Ability aims Train the students how to use the language correctly and freely. Part1 Analysis of the Teaching Material

Emotion aims: Arouse their interest in English learning Part1 Analysis of the Teaching Material 2. Teaching Aims

3.Teaching important and difficult points Important points The important point is to make the students master and use Present Progressive Tense Difficult points 1.How to improve Ss’ abilities of communication and integrating skills. 2.Get the students to practice listening and speaking. Part1 Analysis of the Teaching Material

4. Teaching aids computer, PPT, blackboard

Part 2 Analysis of the students The students of Grade 7 have learnt English for some months, but they are still the new English learners, so they are lack of vocabulary, grammar and reading skills. What I need to do is to arouse their interest to speak English, and love English.

1. Situational Teaching Method 2. Task–based Teaching Method 3. Audio-visual Teaching Method Part3 Teaching Methods and learning methods The Teaching Methods

Learning methods Part3 Teaching Methods and learning methods a. Learn in the real situations, learning by using. b. Practice English through different activities.

Presentation Listening Warming-up & Lead-in Pairwork Part4 Procedures Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Practice Summary Homework

weather snow rain sunny windy cook cloudy

1a Match the words with the pictures [a-e]. 1. raining ___ 2. windy __ 3. cloudy __ 4. sunny __ 5. snowing __ a c e b d

Listen and write these city names in the boxes above. 1b Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston Shanghai

Beijing Moscow Shanghai Toronto Boston

Imagine you are in one of the places in 1a. Talk about the weather with your friend on the phone. — How’s the weather in Beijing? 1c — It’s sunny.

— It’s cloudy. — How’s the weather in Shanghai? — It’s snowy. — How’s the weather in Moscow?

— It’s raining. — How’s the weather in Boston? — It’s windy. — How’s the weather in Toronto?

Listen and number the pictures [1-4]. 2a 3 2 4

Listen again. Match the names with the activities. 1. c Uncle Joe 2.___ Jeff 3.___ Mary 4.___ Aunt Sally 2b a d b a. is playing computer games. b. is cooking. c. is playing basketball. d. is watching TV.

Talk about the people with a partner. — What’s Uncle Joe doing? 2a — He’s playing basketball.

— What’s Aunt Sally doing? — She’s cooking in the kitchen.

— What’s Mary doing? — She’s watching TV.

— What’s Jeff doing? — He’s playing computer games.

park messagecome back bad weather problem

Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions. 1. What’s Steve doing? _______________________________ _______________________________ 2. What’s Rick’s brother doing? _______________________________ 3. What does Steve want Rick’s brother to do? _________________________________ He’s studying at his friend’s home. He wants Rick’s brother to call back. He’s playing basketball with some friends at the park.

Role-play the conversation. Rick: Hello, Rick speaking. Steve: Hi, Rick. It’s Steve. How’s it going? Rick: Not bad, thanks. The weather’s great. What are you doing? Steve: I’m playing basketball with some friends at the park. Rick: Sounds like you’re having a good time.

Steve: Yeah. Is your brother at home? Rick: Oh, he’s not here. He’s studying at his friend’s home. Steve: Can I take a message for him? Rick: Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back? Steve: Sure. No problem.

 1. rain 做动词,意为 “ 下雨 ” 。 现在天津在下雨。 _________________________ 【拓展】 rain 做名词,意为 “_____” 。 There is a lot of rain in summer in our city. 我们这里夏天雨量很大。 It’s raining in Tianjin now. 雨水

 2. windy 多风的 ; cloudy 多云的 ; sunny 晴朗的 构词法:名词 + y → 形容词 今天宁夏风很大。 It’s ______ in Ningxia today. windy

 3. weather 是不可数名词, 意为 “ 天气 ; 气 候 ” 。 其前面不能用不定冠词 a 修饰,但可以 用定冠词 the 或 bad/fine 等修饰;通常 可以用 it 来指代。 春天在中国北部是多风的。 ___________ is windy in spring in the north of China. The weather

— 今天天气如何? — 今天下雨。 — How’s the ________ today? — ____ raining. weather It’s  4. cook 作动词,意为 “ 烹调;煮 ” 通常妈妈给我们做晚饭。 My mother usually cooks for us. 【拓展】作名词, 意为 “ 厨师 ” 。

一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. It’s a ______ day today (sun). 2. The weather is bad now. It’s _______ (wind). 3. Sounds like you __________ (have) a good time now. sunny windy are having

4. It’s ______ (cloud) now. Is it going to rain? 5. — How’s the weather now? — It _________ (rain) now. 6. It’s ______ (snow) in winter in Harbin now. cloudy is raining snowy

一、总结有关天气的词汇。 二、编写三个有关天气问答的对话。 1. windy 2. raining 3. snowy

Part 5 Teaching effects Through learning this lesson, students will be able to use target language more proficiently to communicate and get key information. Teachers should try all the ways to lead students do tasks and improve their abilities of communication, cooperation and the achievement of moral objects.

Thanks for listening! Bye-bye !