Quality Control and Monitoring Strategy Manual Presentation of assumptions to Quality Control and Monitoring Strategy Manual „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion.


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Presentation transcript:

Quality Control and Monitoring Strategy Manual Presentation of assumptions to Quality Control and Monitoring Strategy Manual „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union Kick-off meeting Feb 2014 Ruse, Bulgaria As Lao Tse stated: „A long journey starts with one step”

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN  to ensure a good monitoring of the project work plan and an effective on-time delivery of the outcomes and outputs.  to create the information base required for steering and decision taking during implementation  for learning process where experience gathered is analyzed and fed back into planning and update implementation approaches. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

KEY SUCCESS FACTORS  Motivated people on the project  Good project management  Satisfying project organization - management structures  Efficient project communication  Understanding cultural differences „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

IDENTIFYING OUR ROLE IN CONSORTIUM  Let’s consider the project as a travel and partners as travel companions.  The project outputs we desire are like a agreement on the destination with travelling companions.  We have to plan our journey well.  Good project management is an enabler of successful projects (necessary skills, knowledge and experience for the job) „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Quality Control and Monitoring Strategy Should be concentrated on:  Aims, Objectives and Outcomes - necessary to deliver the project.  A clear timeline for all participants to achieve. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Basic steps of Quality Control and Monitoring (I) 1.Collecting data :  Indicators for objectives at all levels of the logical framework  Quality and appropriateness of activities and use of resources (performance)  Project impact  Cooperation with target groups and partners. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Basic steps of Quality Control and Monitoring (II) 2.Analyzing and drawing conclusions :  Comparison of planned and actual achievements (planned and unforeseen), identification of deviations (review) and conclusions (reports)  Changes in project environment and consequences for project, drawing conclusions  Comparison of planned and actual mechanisms and procedures of project organization and cooperation with target groups, identification of deviations and conclusions „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Basic steps of Quality Control and Monitoring (III) 3.Making recomendations and taking corrective action:  Adjustment of timing of activities and resources  Adjustments of objectives  Adjustments of procedures and cooperation mechanisms. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

QUALITY CONTROL and MONITORING SYSTEM – 2 Stages I.stage:  the monitoring of the project work plan and an effective on-time delivery of the outcomes and outputs. (UJK)  coordinate all MATcHES partners in the process of internal monitoring (UJK). „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Comparing actual project performance against the project management plan. Identifying, analyzing, tracking, and monitoring existing (and new) project risks. Maintaining an accurate, timely information base concerning the project’s outputs. Monitoring implementation of approved changes as they will occur. Providing appropriate reporting on project progress and status to Project Coordinator and Steering Committee. The Monitoring and Control Project Work process The Monitoring and Control Project Work process

Quality Control and Monitoring – external evaluation II.stage:  external evaluation (subcontracted) - more integrated and meaningful picture of overall project achievements  descriptive analysis and quantitative information to support subsequent planning and operations. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Quality Control and Monitoring – external eavaluation Why there is success or failure and what has been learned to improve future action. The external evaluator will be asked to produce:  an interim report – mid-term evaluation focused on questions of efficiency (covering the first 16 months, March 2015)  final quality report – ex post evaluation focused on impact and sustainability (November 2016) „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Monitoring the Elements of the Project  Activities  Indicators  Ddeliverables. Comparing the time planned for and finally required to carry out an individual activity – the major tool is the individual work plan. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

METHODS & instruments 1)Documentation Review 2)Direct Observation (during the visits/meetings) 3)Surveys and Quastionnaires (trainings, internal) 4)Interwies 5)Direct feedback - feedback sheets „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

How? - the most important question …  It depends on nature of deliverables.  Types of deliverables responding to MATcHES: Reports Methodology Training Events: Conferences/Seminars Other products. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Reports (I) TaskTitle Indicators of progressRespon. Partner Delivery Date regional reports on Needs Analysis Perfomed Needs analysis in the 3 UZ Universities and other relevant actors. KEEI M1-M6/ surveys among personnel of universities and of other organizations (at lest 50 interviews per region) Surveys among personnel of universities and of other organizationsKEEI M1-M6/ Visits reports from EU representatives At least 5 visits of one week by representatives of EU partners KEEI M1-M6/ Results of the interviews At least 50 interviews per region to staff from universities, companies, business support organization, public authorities and other organizations KEEI M1-M6/ Officially publisched data from the on-line consultation on the answers to the public consultations collected At least 150 respondents to the online public consultation (individuals/organizations) per KEEI M5-M „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Reports (II) TaskTitleIndicators of progress Respons. Partner Delivery Date report pf the public consultation on "Your Regional Innovation System" Launched online public consultation on "Your Regional Innovation System" KEEI M5-M Satisfaction questionnaires results Performed questionnaires among the partners on the progress of the project UJK M6-M Internal Monitoring reports (M6) At least 3 internal monitoring visits UJK M12-M Inter-Tempus coaching meetings reports 3 Inter-Tempus coaching meetings UJK M12-M Project meetings minutes and PPTs 6 project meetings organized URAK M1-M „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Reports (III) Task Title Indicators of progress Respon. Partner Delivery Date 8.3. Revised Logical Framework Matrix URAK M1-M Revised Management PlanURAK M1-M „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Methodology NoTitleIndicators of progressRespon. partnerDelivery date report on Best practices on knowledge triangle and regional innovation systems At least 20 best practices collected and analysed KEEIM1-M model for the establishment and sustainability of Regional Innovation Systems in UZ Identified innovation systems at regional level in UZ KEEIM8-M Proceedings of 3 conferences for the presentations of the model on regional innovation systems 3 conferences for the presentation of the model on regional innovation systems organised KEEIM8-M Dissemination strategyquarterly report on dissemination activities CEM1-M „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Training NoTitleIndicators of progressRespon. partner Delivery date 2.1.Technical requirements of the e-learning platform defined Improved IT services for the e- learning training URAKM13-M Content of the 5 training modules developed (training manuals and materials) At least 5 training modules developed including one e-learning part (2 weeks) and face-to-face sessions (1 week) URAKM13-M Evaluation questionnaires on the training filled out in each UZ region At least 120 individuals trained in each UZ region (at least 40 from universities, 15 from companies and business support organizations, 5 from local and regional authorities) URAKM13-M Individual mobility reports and mobility reports from UZ and EU partners filled out 45 professors, 30 managerial staff, and 45 researchers from the 3 UZ universities involved in mobility towards EU URAKM15-M „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Events: Conferences/Seminars NoTitleIndicators of progress Respon. partner Delivery date Regional Info Days reports - 3 Regional Info Days held (agenda, raport) - Lists of participants CE M Open Doors Days Reports 3 Open Doors Days held at UZ univeristies Lists of participants CE M Info Days Reports6 Info Days held to present funding opportunities CE M15,M Final conference Proceedings of the final conference. 1 Final project conference held in UZ CE M „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Other products (I) NoTitleIndicators of progress Respon. partner Delivery date databases of contacts from the regional knowledge triangles Collected contacts in the databasesKEEIM1-M regional maps of the knowledge triangle actors Identified knowledge triangle actors at regional level KEEIM1-M Quality control and monitoring manual Monitoring and quality control strategy is efficient and applied by all partners UJKM1-M Printed and electronic promotional material (Project image, leaflet and poster; Project newsletter, etc.) Launched and updated websiteCEM3-M MATcHES project websiteCEM2-M „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

PROJECT GANNT – see PDF file „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Quality and Monitoring Strategy Step 1. Quality control and monitoring manual (task 5.1.)  applied by all partners;  instructions that partners should follow for the efficient monitoring of the project;  approved and supervised by the project Steering Committee.

Quality and Monitoring Strategy Step 2. - Internal monitoring reports (task 5.2.)  based on a quarterly basis and will produce 8 reports in total (M6, M10, M14, M18, M22, M24, M30, M36) - the aim is to provide sufficiently detailed information to check the state of advance of the project in light of its objectives Based on:  performed questionnaires among the partners on the progress of the project ( every 3 -months)  Interviews  reports of WP’s progress - Leaders: in WP 1, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Quality and Monitoring Strategy Step 3 - External monitoring reports  Interim report – covering the first 16 months, presented during the March 2015 to include insight recommendations to support subsequent planning and operations.  Final quality report – presented during November 2016, covering 3-years implementation of the project. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Quality and Monitoring Strategy Step 4. – Intern -Tempus monitoring (coaching) meetings  at least 3 visits are planned to be held during the lifetime of the project (One in UZ and two in Europe) „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Communication and reporting (I)  Reporting shedule:  The Gantt Chart  PERT diagram  Deliverables checklist „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Communication and reporting (II)  Not only formal reports but also communication efforts that: - seek feedback about interim findings - discuss what actions are needed. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Information gathering and organising  Collecting information in the form of tables and time sequences, copies of documents: statue.  Who will be involved in collecting, compiling and analysing in Your Work Plans?  WP’s Leaders – Partners involved in WP. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Communication of monitoring results  HOW OFTEN? 1. 3-months reports from WP Leaders to UJK 2. UJK to Coordinator and Steering Commitee 3-months brief Per-Partner reports in which each partner briefly communicates the ongoing activities within the project and points out any relevant issue. These reports will be used for assessing the project activities. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Communication of Monitoring Results  Efficient & different media channels to communicate:  Reports and other documents - s;  Other information (interwies, feed back): e- mails, skype, project website. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Monitoring of assumptions and risks (1) „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union Identified Risk Risk of occurrence Likely impact Action Loss of key project personnel MEDIUMHIGH Reduce staff turnover Loss of dataLOWHIGH All data should be backed up according to local policy or Consortium agreement (?), whatever more frequent Delay in identifying correct tools, techniques and methods LOWHIGH All principal staff involved are national/ internationally respected in their fields that ensure proper holding of this risk occurrence Delay in meeting project deliverables and milestones LOWMEDIUMExperienced project managers will ensure timely delivery of deliverables and milestones. Few of the collaborating partners have long-time experience and good background within their respective tasks. The project is therefore considered medium-risk.

Monitoring of assumptions and risks (2) „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union Identified Risk Risk of occurrence Likely impact Action Communication problems: language and overload informations MEDIUMHIGH Less informations sent by s (to avoid full mailboxes) – source of information: project website with intranet option, less problems with written informations better translation with freeware software. The currency exchange ratesMEDIUM The foreign exchange looses are ineliglible and impossible to predict but careful and good financial management is a critical.

INFORMATION NEEDS FOR 1 STAGE 1.Individual work plan – WP Leaders:  schedule of main activities  list of tasks  sequence and dependencies  time: start – up, duration and completion of activities  Responsibilities – allocated tasks among team and institutions involved (!)  Responsible person/person to contact: , Skype, LinkedIn, project website (intranet), WhatsUp (?)  Communication system with institutions involved.  List of risks. Delivery date: how do you think? How many time do you need? „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

From our side:  Reminders/templates of individual work plans – in 2 weeks.  Quality Control and Monitoring Manual - to disscuss and feed back - in 1 month. „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union

Thank You for attention „MaTCHES - Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan”, project is co-financed by European Union