Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached… My ideal, indeed, can be put into a few words, and that is to preach unto mankind their divinity, and how to make it manifest in every movement of life…. I want no name.. I want to be a voice without a form..
I belong as much as to the India as to the World…….. Bold is my message to the West but bolder is my message to the East my beloved countrymen.... Bold words and bolder deeds are what we want. Awake, awake, great ones! The world is burning with misery. Can you sleep?
Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man………….. We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet……………. Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be; if you think yourselves strong, strong you will be….
They talk of patriotism. I believe in patriotism, and I also have my own ideal of patriotism. Three things are necessary for great achievements : Feel, my children, feel; feel for the poor, the ignorant, the downtrodden; feel till the heart stops and the brain reels...
Strength is life; weakness is death. Strength is felicity, life eternal, immortal; weakness is constant strain and misery, weakness is death. I am born to organize these young men. Nay, hundreds in every city are ready to join me.' It is a fact, and if we come forward with the right spirit, we will surely succeed.
No Nation is great or good, because Parliament enacts this or that, but because its men are great and good. Men, men, these are wanted; everything else will be ready.' ………'So make men first. When there will be such men (real men ), how long will it take to drive away famines etc. from the land?‘ My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my workers. They will work out the whole problem
Let us all work hard, my brethren; this is no time for sleep. On our work depends the coming of the India of the future… Young men, my hope is in you. Will you respond to the call of your nation? Each one of you has a glorious future if you dare believe me…. You will revive the whole of India…
Women must be put in a position to solve their own problems in their own way And our Indian women are as capable of doing it as any in the world…… We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves
What we want is to see the man who is harmoniously developed – great in heart, great in mind, great in deed. We want the man whose heart feels intensely the miseries and sorrows of the world. And we want the man who not only can feel, but can find the meaning of things, who delves deeply into the heart of nature and understanding. We want the man who will not even stop there, but who wants to work out the feeling and the meaning by actual deeds. Such a combination of head, heart, and hand is what we want..
Let New India arise- out of the peasant’s cottage, grasping the plough; out of the huts of fisherman, the cobbler and the sweeper. Let her spring from the grocer’s shop, from beside the oven of the fritter-seller. Let her emanate from the factory, from the marts and from the markets, let her emerge from groves and forests, from hill and mountains. ‘India will raise, when thousand of such man and women fired with the zeal of holiness, fortified with the eternal faith in the Lord, and nerved to lion’s courage by their sympathy for the poor and the fallen and the downtrodden, will go over the length and breadth of the land, preaching the gospel of social of help, the gospel of social raising-up- the gospel of equality’.
"Brothers and sisters, the long night is at last drawing to a close. Miseries and sorrows are disappearing. Ours is a sacred country. She is gradually waking up, thanks to the fresh breeze all around. Her might no one can overcome."