Good schools with good ‘stuff’ = 5% on average Parents who are involved and informed = Up to 30%
“My dad thinks that the way he does maths is easier and better than my ways but he doesn’t understand my ways and his way confuses me.” Pupil – Catford High School
Literacy Impact statistics – data from last year! 78% of children had a family member attend to support them. Impact on Attainment 62% of children regularly completed and returned homework. These children made on average 1 sub level progress in writing during the 5 week programme. The 38% who did not complete the home work made 0.5 sub level progress on average over the same period. Completing the homework every week has a real affect on the children!
In this workshop we aim to: Encourage partnership Demonstrate Share tools Offer tools for use at home Support Improve(5 week programme)
Introducing numicon- introduction clip
7 + 5 = Jumping in ones
Jumping in tens =
Now try these; = = =
In order to make rapid progress, children must learn their number bonds to ten = = = = = = 10 n
Addition - Partitioning tens and units
Addition - Partitioning hundreds, tens and units
Addition on own number line = 25 +2
= = 27
Solve addition by partitioning and recombining = Tens = 30 Ones = = 36 OR t o t o =
Now try these; = = =
27 = +11 = = Children are expected to be moving onto to the formal written method by the end of year 2 (if the children are ready!)
Now try these: = = =
You go to a shop with 80p in your pocket. You spend 30p. How do you work out how much is left? Adults, can you work this out in your head?
Take away on the number line - Counting back =
Take away on the number line - Finding the difference =
Take away on the number line (either on number line or by drawing their own) =
Now try these: = = =
= If you got it right move on 1 space Answer 6 Make sure you don’t let the opposing player see the answer!
Stand on one leg and count to 20.
All of the questions in week one will be on addition addsumdouble total more than larger more increase
Homework We will send homework every Monday with a new homework diary. Homework will be a set of green cards/ question cards and red cards/ forfeit cards (except final week when you select forfeit cards from previous week.) Please return homework diaries on the following Monday (you can keep all homework cards!) Remember make it fun and discuss how the children can solve the problems if they are unsure. Week 1 – addition Week 2 - subtraction Week 3 – number problems Week 4 – time problems Week 5 – length problems
DayWho Played?Who won? Saturday_________and________ Sunday_________and________ Monday_________and________ Tuesday_________and________ Wednesday_________and________ Thursday_________and________ Friday_________and________ Homework diary
Ryders Hayes Academy NC LevelControl GroupImpact Pupils Raised41%77% Stayed same42%23% Decreased17%0% 36% of the Impact pupils made 2 sub-levels progress in 5 weeks in maths. Key Stage 1 maths programme with year 1.
Please complete the questionnaires!