Calculate the perimeter A maths lesson for primary school corso CLIL c/o istituto Galvani – Giugliano corsista: Carmela Ruggiero
Teaching aims Calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular quadrilaterals corsista: Carmela Ruggiero 2 Content To enable learners how to calculate perimeter of regular and irregular quadrilaterals; To enable learners to practice TL communication skills.
KNOW formulas to calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular quadrilaterals; vocabulary, structures and functions on the topic BE ABLE TO classify quadrilaterals according to different criteria using a Venn diagram; make predictions; observe and record findings BE AWARE some quadrilaterals have equal sides corsista: Carmela Ruggiero 3 Learning outcomes
The assessment focuses on subject content and awareness of language structures and oral fluency STEP ONE: summative assessment Learners do a test on the computer after an interactive revision unit. STEP TWO: formative assessment After the learners calculate some perimeters, the teacher asks them to explain what and how they have worked and then gives feedback on their answers corsista: Carmela Ruggiero 4 Assessment
REVISITED sum, multiply, add, calculate, transform, units, decimal numbers NEW perimeter, sides, length, base, height, oblique, vertical, right angle STRUCTURES I calculate…, I add…, I multiply…, Perimeter is… FUNCTIONS ‘will’ prediction corsista: Carmela Ruggiero 5 Communication
IDENTIFYING Quadrilaterals and their properties CLASSIFYING Regular and irregular quadrilaterals REASONING If… then …. corsista: Carmela Ruggiero 6 Cognition
working in group respecting rules corsista: Carmela Ruggiero 7 Citizenship
Web pages and interactive test 15 plastic geometric quadrilaterals Drawing on a poster Venn diagrams Worksheets Worksheets for less and more able learners Flash cards Yardstick and measuring tape corsista: Carmela Ruggiero 8 Resources
WHOLE CLASS Activation of prior knowledge Learners look around in the school garden and identify some shapes of flowerbeds GROUPS Put plastic geometric quadrilaterals in two different boxes: regular and irregular Use the measuring tape to measure school objects Draw on posters Venn diagram INDIVIDUALLY Calculate perimeters on their own worksheet DIFFERENTIATION For less able learners: Give them practical examples and easier geometrical shapes For more able learners: transform calculated perimeters from decimal system into imperial system WHOLE CLASS Final plenary; TPR - in the gym some learners draw by their own bodies geometrical shapes according to the teacher’s request FOLLOW-UP check that the calculations on the perimeter are resolved correctly corsista: Carmela Ruggiero 9 Procedure