Data Management Influenza Vaccination 2015
IMPORTANT “Vaccinate against Influenza in order to protect the high risk groups against Influenza this winter and prove it” THE ONLY WAY TO PROVE IT IS WITH ACCURATE DATA January 2013
Facility Daily Tally Sheet The Facility Daily Tally Sheet covers all high risk groups on a single tally sheet ALL elements on top part of the daily tally sheet must be fully completed The “Date” must be the date of vaccination and must be printed clearly so that it can be captured into the correct week in the DHIS 14 June 20163
January FACILITY DAILY TALLY SHEET 2015 Month Date Province District Sub- district Sheet number of Health facility name Facility coordinator
February FACILTY DAILY TALLY SHEET 2015 Month Date Province District Sub-district Sheet number of Health facility name Facility coordinator CHECK EXPIRY DATE !!! All Children 6 months to under 5 years All Those > 5 years of age with Chronic Medical Conditions (Cardiac, Pulmonary, Chronic Renal, Diabetes Mellitus, HIV/AIDS & others) Pregnant Women All people over 65 years of age (Not in other risk groups) Residents of Old Age Homes, Chronic Care and Rehabilition Centres Summarized total: Signature: Comments: Date:
Daily Tally Sheet (cont) If at a vaccination site more than 100 individuals from one risk category are vaccinated on the same day, a second tally sheet will be needed. A copy of the weekly summary sheet together with the daily tally sheets must be kept at the facility Febuary
Data Capturing Role of the Facility Each vaccination should be captured on paper at vaccination sites immediately using daily facility tally sheets. If, at a vaccination site more than 100 individuals from one risk category are vaccinated on the same day, a second tally sheet will be needed. Information on daily facility tally sheets should be totaled and summarised in a weekly summary sheet. 14 June 2016
Data Capturing Cont’ If no flu vaccine is administered during the week a “zero” facility summary sheet should be submitted This will ensure that no data is lost Each weekly report will then show the number of vaccine doses administered or a “0” 14 June 20168
9 WEEKLY INFLUENZA VACCINATION SUMMARY SHEET 2015 ProvinceTick appropriate block to indicate level of reporting ProvinceDistrictSub- District Facility District Sub-DistrictTelephone number:Reporting period From To Facility *Subunit Children 6 months to under 5 years ALL those > 5 years with Chronic Medical Conditions ( Cardiac, pulmonary, Chronic renal, diabetes mellitus, HIV/AIDS & others) Pregnant womenAll people over 65 years of age Not in any other risk group Residents of Old Age homes, chronic care and rehabilitation institutes TOTALS Total number of sub-units expected to report Total number of sub-units that submitted reports * Subunits=Vaccination sites/Facilities/Sub-districts/Districts depending on level of reporting Comments:________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Data Collection Accurate data collection is critical for a successful campaign Data from the weekly summary sheet must be entered at sub-district level in the DHIS on a weekly basis The sub-district sends the weekly summary sheet to the district, to province then to national- on weekly basis This enables the management level to monitor the campaign. Febuary 2013
Data Flow Health Facility Forward data to Sub district weekly SUB-DISTRICT/ LSA/Municipality Forward data to District weekly District/Metro Forward data to Province weekly Province Forward to National weekly February Vaccination site
Data Capturing Cont’d Role of Health Information Ensure that all facilities within your area submit their data on a weekly basis. The data should be verified and signed off at Sub- district/District level by both the CDC and Health Information Managers After verification, the weekly data must be captured into the DHIS 1.4 Export the file and send to next level 12
Conclusion Each facility must complete new tally sheet, every day including zero tally sheets. No tally sheet should be used for more than one day. At the end of every week, transfer the totals from the daily tally sheet to the Weekly Summary Sheet Send to: Sub - District verify and capture District verify and capture Province verify and capture National verify and feedback 13
Weekly Summary Sheet is aggregation of weekly data. ENSURE PROPER RECORD KEEPING AT FACILITY LEVEL 14 June
Thank You 14 June