Summary of the G10 meeting C Donlon
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Outline New Structure GDS 2.0 Symposium and G10 meeting priorities Discussion Review of Actions Summary of Workshop Preparation of Proceedings Next ST meeting location AOB Thanks ROUTE
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature This meeting: Aims and Objectives Review the role of GHRSST Agree restructure of GHRSST (Review ToR and membership/leadership – should we rotate Chairs?) Review Status of R/GTS Management plan and actions to finish GDS 2.0 Review Symposium conclusions and take action Get your papers into the correct format for the proceedings and pass to me by end of week please
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST ST Structure Many people have suggested it is time to reflect on our structure –New groups NASA funded SST Science Team, ERNESST, Others… –Review of Group structure, ToR, Membership, and leadership – New ToR call for rotating chairs (including Me) –2 yr vice chair, 2 year chair as in CEOS? –Need for Simple but effective annual work plans at the TAG level –Review TAG work plans at the annual science team meeting Do we agree on rotating Chairs??
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature New Structure Symposium suggested that we needed to look at the Structure of GHRSST. Have developed a new structure for the WG and TAG
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Data Assembly and Systems International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) GHRSST Data Assembly and Systems Technical Advisory Group (GDAS-TAG)
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature High Latitude SST issues International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) High Latitude Technical advisory Group (HL-TAG)
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST Inter-comparisons International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) Inter-comparison Technical Advisory Group (IC-TAG) ( HR-DDS + GMPE + SQUAM + Others L4 Errors etc ) GSICS? -> Links to RAN-TAG, ST-VAL and HL- TAG
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST SSES/Validation International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) ST-VAL Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) -> Links to RAN-TSG, IC-TAG and HL- TAG…
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST DV Estimation International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator GHRSST Data processing Specification Technical Advisory Group (GDS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Data Management Technical Advisory Group (DM-TAG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Sea Ice Technica l Advisory Group (SI-TAG) Metadata Working Group (XML-WG) GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble Technical Advisory Group (GMPE-TAG) DV Technical Advisory Group (DV-TAG)
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature New Arrangements International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator Support to NASA funded SST Science Team, ERNESST group, Australia, China, Japan etc to provide international coordination GHRSST Data Assembly and Systems Technical Advisory Group (GDAS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) High Latitude Technica l Advisory Group (HL-TAG) Estimatio n Methods Working Group (EM-WG) Inter- comparisons Technical Advisory Group (IC-TAG) Applications and User Services TAG (AUS- TAG)
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Status of the R-GTS Excellent! But as we move to GDS-2.0 we must be careful to manage the transition properly JAXA waiting for GDS-2.0 New groups in USA and in EU –Problem with MISST ending? Need better user support Need to use the Advisory Council to ensure that stakeholders are coordinated and supporting
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GDS v2.0 GHRSST Operating Manual GHRSST Core Data Processing Specification Data Provider Interfaces GHRSST Users Manual GHRSST Scientific Library Operations Science & Engineering
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GDS 2.0 Good Progress but still lots to do L3U, L3C and L3S agreed – no more L3P! Reviewed Documents during breakout Agreed new documents What about Lake Surface Temperatures? What about the Systems (User Manual, GDAC, LTSRF, DDS, GMPE, MDB) operating and user documents?
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Proposed Approval cycle for GDS 2.0 Bookcaptains of GDS prepare docs ST reviews and endorsed GDS2.0 Convene External Review board (ToR) Board Reviews GDS2.0 Revisions are made and the Science team updates the GDS2.0 accordingly Time line: By end of 2009 –Action: 1. Stand-in GPO coordinator (Craig) will develop a ToR for the GDS2.0 review board and circulate for approval.
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GDS 2.0 Release Schedule T0, Approve GDS at T0 T0+6 months, GDS2.0 Test Data Set (TDS) files available (1 day 24 hours of data) T0+9 months, Validation Review of TDS T0+12 months, All new products should be in GDS 2.0 T0+18 months, All products in GDS 2.0 T0 should be January 1 st 2010?
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature New Arrangements International GHRSST Science Team User Requirements for high resolution Sea Surface Temperature data products and services from operational, scientific, and climate communities. International Stakeholder Advisory Council GHRSST-PO Project Office Coordinator Support to NASA funded SST Science Team, ERNESST group, Australia, China, Japan etc to provide international coordination Data Assembly and Systems Technical Advisory Group (DAS-TAG) SSES and Validation Technical Advisory Group (STVAL-TAG) Diurnal Variation Working Group (DV-WG) Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) High Latitude Technica l Advisory Group (HL-TAG) Estimatio n Methods Working Group (EM-WG) Inter- comparisons Technical Advisory Group (IC-TAG) Applications and User Services TAG (AUS- TAG)
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature User Symposium
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Condensed Conclusions (1/3) 1.GHRSST is providing a stable system that is delivering quality data products that are useful. 2.GHRSST User Base is increasing and diversifying We need to recognise that the Users within GHRSST are changing 3.Groups are looking critically at GHRSST data in automated systems 4.But feedback and communications between these groups is not good 5.Validation efforts need to be more coordinated using different data sets 6.GHRSST needs Better Applications User Support (AUS). This will become even more important as more products come online (Documentation) 7.Users want more operational/NRT information on system status (Dashboard)
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Condensed Conclusions (2/3) 8.Several users requested access to long time series data sets 9.We need to encourage more integration of surface winds and SST communities 10.Users request consistent Lake Surface Temperatures in products 11.Users request further work to improve SST’s in marginal ice zone 12.L4 analysis products may be misleading users in terms of resolution Users requested a simple and understandable uncertainty estimate (or Quality Indicator) (e.g. common to all L4: Use “time since last observation”?) 13.GHRSST should provide a framework to keep Regional SST teams and other groups communicating and coordinated at the international level
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Condensed Conclusions (3/3) Science Team must consider structure of GHRSST: Is it still correct? –Have wired together a system to make new and innovative data sets available –Its there, its working, its not perfect and its never going to be finished! Technology upgrades, new data, new international groups, improved interoperability etc. –Are our Working Groups and Technical advisory groups reflecting the fact that Users need more help and support?
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Open Plenary Discussion
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Actions from the G10 meeting
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Science Team membership Standing Down –Neville Smith Nominations –Mike Chin (Vazquez 2 nd ?) –Alexey Kaplan (Reynolds, Genmtemann) –Matt Martin (Merchant, DLJ) –Jacob Hoeyer (Barton, Minnett) –Ted Habermann (Armstrong, Casey) –Anne ocarroll (Cvraig, Helen) Chairs of Groups –GDAS-TAG: Bingham EU person vice chair? –IC-TAG: Martin and Kaplan –HL-TAG: Hoeyer and Grumbine –RAN-TAG: Casey and Rayner –DV-WG: Merchant and Wick –EM-WG: Harris and Merchant –AUS-TAG: >> Vazquez Habermann
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Next meeting University of Edinburgh, Scotland ESA ESTEC, Netherlands Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), Lima, Peru Co-location with OVW Science Team, Barcelona, Spain Lets vote Date: Early July 2010
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature AOB
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Thanks Thanks to Remote Sensing Systems and all Staff for excellent support throughout the week –Sharon, Neil, Chelle, Frank! City of Santa Rosa for sponsorship All of GHRSST Sposors All of you
Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature G10 meeting Closed!!