OVERVIEW The Pikes Peak BOCES is the Administrative Unit (AU) for nine member districts. We serve over 600 students As the AU we oversee compliance with state and federal regulations from IDEA and ECEA The AU also provides the district with related service providers in the following areas: School Psychologists and School Social Workers Speech Language Pathologists and Speech Language Pathologist Assistants Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants Audiologists Teacher of Visually Impaired and Hearing Impaired School Nurse In addition, PPBOCES facilitates programs within the School of Excellence (SOE) and the Significant Support Needs program (located at Ellicott Middle School).
SPECIAL EDUCATION PROCESS ReferralEvaluationEligibility DeterminationIEP
REFERRAL Parent request for evaluation must be in writing. The district must respond in writing with EITHER after the entire TEAM has been consulted: Prior Notice and Consent for Evaluation Prior Notice of SPED action that we are REFUSING evaluation RTI can not be used to delay the request for evaluation. DO NOT let requests go unanswered.
EVALUATION Evaluation begins with Prior Notice and Consent for Evaluation Consult ALL team members before sending home We have 60 days from date it is signed to complete the Evaluation Full and complete evaluation in all areas of suspected disability Cognitive not required unless it is for Intellectual Disability or team suspects cognitive delay Review all assessments available from school before determining what Standardized norm referenced testing is required School Psych/Socisl Worker “lead up” all INITITAL evaluations
ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION Prior to an Eligibility meeting ALL team members should have reviewed the data for the meeting. Eligibility Determination discussions should be facilitated by School Psych/Social Worker
SLD Need to have evidence of: Specific skill deficit in one or more of the areas of SLD. Skill deficit should be documented through Grade level assessments that demonstrate student has a gap from peers of 2.0 or higher Targeted norm referenced assessments that show below 12 th percentile Lack of response to evidenced based interventions Three targeted interventions are provided Progress monitoring is specific and aligned to interventions Student is not making significant growth despite these interventions
SED Review of Records Social History Family Interviews Teacher Interviews Child/Adolescent Interviews Systematic Direct Observation FBA Academic Information Behavior Rating Scales Must include two measures, one global and one more targeted to specific area of concern. Need evidence that behavior is occurring in more than 1 setting Social Maladjustment Clause Need to use one measure that assesses and rules out social maladjustment EDDT, Conners Comprehensive Scales, SEAD, 2
OHI Other Health Impaired Do not need a diagnosis for ADHD Even with diagnosis have to show impact of the disability in the school setting. Diagnosis alone does not indicate student will qualify, Rating Scales, Direct Observation If no diagnosis need to show: Clinically significant levels of Hyperactivity/Inattention in two environments. Social history, teacher interviews, student interviews