1 PingER6 Preliminary PingER Monitoring Results from the 6Bone/6REN. Warren Matthews Les Cottrell Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) Presented at Adelaide IETF47, March Partially funded by DOE/MICS Field Work Proposal on Internet End-to-end Performance Monitoring (IEPM), also supported by IUPAP
2 Small amount of bandwidth carved off ESnet connection to provide native IPv6 service to SLAC 6REN RTR-IPv6 IPv6 Deployment at SLAC Production IPv6 allocation 2001:400:0808::/48 Addresses are in DNS PingER6 Scylla Charybdis Switch IPv6 VLAN VLAN allows deployment throughout SLAC SLAC
3 PingER Monitoring Simple active end-to-end ping monitoring Main community is HENP & ESnet sites 30 monitoring sites in 15 countries 593 nodes at 424 sites in 72 countries ~ 2200 pairs Also XIWT/IPERF, IAEA PingER6 Recompiled Linux (Red Hat 6.0) kernel with IPv6 support Downloaded & installed inet-apps (including ping) from inner.net and patch for glibc-2.1 systems Wrote Perl module to provide IPv6 DNS lookup Currently one monitoring site at SLAC
4 Remote PingER6 Sites International effort Edu, Com, Org, Net 6Bone and 6REN 10 countries, 40 sites Currently little knowledge of networks and connections.
5 Results Many sites unreachable –16/26 mid-November –7/38 mid-December Thursday Dec –6 unreachable –8 unusable (loss>12%) –11 very poor (loss>5%) –3 poor (loss>2.5%) –2 acceptable (loss>1%) –8 good (loss<1%) Sunday Dec –7 unreachable –1 poor –7 acceptable –23 good
6 Packet Loss Between SLAC and All Sites in Nov/Dec The weekend
7 RTT between SLAC and Good Nodes FNAL CRC Uni-Muenster Wide
8 PingER -vs- PingER6 (Production/IPv4 -vs- 6Bone) RTT Between SLAC and Purdue in Nov/Dec 1999 IPv6 IPv4
9 Conclusion Not surprisingly, same issues as the ipv4 Internet. –Not enough bandwidth but it is only experimental How to persuade users to try it out ? –Bob Fink big help in signing people up –Contact to join Next steps –Address concerns over security –More Monitoring Sites 6-Tap China ?
10 Thank you! IEPM/PingER home site – Very interesting Polish 6BONE ping site – More Information To all the sites who volunteered Any Questions?