Central American Certificate Course: HIV Monitoring and Evaluation with Emphasis on Health and HIV Economics BZ ES GT NI PA CR February 10th – 16th, 2014 Improving HIV M&E System: SWOT Analysis and LogFrame
BZ ES GT NI PA CR Remember that the last day to send this test to your tutor is on February 20th. If you have any doubt, please ask your tutor
BZ ES GT NI PA CR Unit 4 – Strengthening M&E Systems: SWOT and LogFrame Mark the correct answer with an X Which part of the LogFrame provides information for risk management ( ) Assumptions column ( ) Vertical Logic ( ) Verifiable Indicators ( ) The sum of odd cells
BZ ES GT NI PA CR Match activities and outputs to prepare a LogFrame No.ActivityAnswerOutput 1Problem identification Means – to – ends analysis 2Problem AnalysisStrategy design 3Objectives AnalysisBest alternative analysis 4Alternatives Analysis Cause – effect analysis 5Project identification Selecting a Central Problem
BZ ES GT NI PA CR The logframe has four columns. Mark with an X the one which is not a logframe column Means of Verification Risks / Assumptions Responsible Organization Intervention / Strategy Objectively Verifiable Indicators
BZ ES GT NI PA CR Match components of SWOT Analysis with examples for each component, from the analysis of a M&E Unit. No.ComponentAnswerExample 1StrenghtNational and district level network of M&E 2WeaknessBudget cuts could affect M&E next year 3Opportunity25 Certified HIV M&E Specialists 4ThreatThere are no M&E manuals and guidelines
BZ ES GT NI PA CR Categorize the following statements as SWOT’s benefits [B] or pitfalls [P] [ ] Encourages participation of all group members. [ ] Subjectivity leads to different results. [ ] Foster situation and strategy analysis. [ ] Prefers simplicity to accuracy, especially if high uncertainty contexts.
Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV AIDS Policies and Programs Management BZ ES GT NI PA CR Central American Certificate Course: