Adult Skills Induction
Welcome to learndirect We are a training provider with 15 years experience at helping people gain qualifications and improve their work situation. We are passionate about helping you to achieve your goals and ensuring that you have a great learning experience with us.
Meet the learndirect team
Your day at learndirect Arrive on time Begin your learning session Take a break Measure your progress Ask for help or support
What can learndirect do for you? learndirect are committed to learner success and ongoing development. We will: Make you feel welcome Do our job well Help you to achieve Support you
What learndirect does to keep you safe We will always do our best to make sure you learn in a positive, safe and welcoming environment. Before you start learning we will show you how to keep safe when using a computer and we will point out common hazards in your centre. All our learners and staff have the right to be and feel physically and emotionally safe.
Making you feel Safe Keeping you safe usually comes under three main headings.
What is Safeguarding? Safeguarding is protecting someone from harm or damage with an appropriate measure.
Sharing Responsibility Recognising that it is happening to you or someone else Discussing concerns with an appropriate person Considering ways to deal with the issues. learndirect is here to help you to understand about safeguarding and support anyone who feels unsafe or is dealing with any of these issues.
What is Equality and Diversity? Equality is treating people fairly and with mutual respect and making sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn and work. Diversity is about recognising that each individual is unique and respecting and celebrating individual differences.
Equality and Diversity
Sharing Responsibility learndirect is here to help you to understand about equality and diversity. We will support anyone who feels they are being discriminated against, feels unsafe or is dealing with any of these issues.
What is Health and Safety? Regulations and procedures intended to prevent accident or injury in workplaces or public environments. You should be able to work and learn in a safe healthy and supportive environment.
Physical environment: Risks Hazards Accidents Ill Health Emergencies Emotional environment: Stress External influences Health and Safety
Sharing Responsibility You will: Report incidents, hazards and accidents Communicate with your Tutor/Assessor learndirect will: Have health and safety procedures in place. Ensure that you receive a health and safety induction.
What is expected of you? Attend Be punctual Switch your phone to silent Being aware of yourself and others Focus on your learning Look after yourself and others around you Keep personal information out of sight Treat everyone with respect Give us feedback
Customer Care learndirect offer a comprehensive customer care service to make sure we provide the best service to you. Your centre displays customer care addresses and contact numbers.
A Helping Hand Starting a new job Consumer rights Buying a home Staying healthy Managing money Having children Family crisis Retirement We are here to help 24/7 independent, free and confidential assistance. Telephone You can ask your tutor at any point during your time with us if you feel you need Optum’s contact details
Adult Skills Induction