Good Morning Please be sure to sign in at the round table and take care of your belongings. Turn around and face the back ready for announcements. If you come in late, just have a seat. You may sign the tardy log and take care of your belongings AFTER announcements.
Intro to IT Hybrid 10/29 & 30/2015 Essential Question: What is proper attire for the workforce? Literacy Objective: (aka – bell work) LA Strand: Standard 8: Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. Reflecting on the articles that we have read, Power Point that we watched, and what is in your closet, explain what you would wear to a job interview for a position as an office manager. If you would need to borrow something from a sister, brother, mother, father, cousin, etc., please include that in your details. Be sure to write in paragraph format using correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (4-6 sentences) Set up your workstation for our timed writing activity. I will demonstrate proper keying technique and improve my knowledge of the alphabetic keys. I will learn about proper business attire. I will determine if examples provided are properly or not properly dressed for business.
Intro to IT Hybrid 10/29 & 30/2015 Additional “I will …” statements: I will demonstrate effective and efficient keyboarding skills. I will identify operating system file naming conventions. Standards: 1.0 – Develop keyboarding skills to enter and manipulate text and data. 2.0 – Demonstrate comprehension and communication skills – Identify operating system file naming conventions – Demonstrate a working knowledge of standard file formats – Explain the history and purpose of various operating systems – Identify, define, and discuss professional information technology terminology appropriate for internal and external communications in an information technology environment. 6.0 – Incorporate appropriate leadership and supervision techniques, customer service strategies, and standards of personal ethics to accomplish job objectives as enhance workplace performance.
Intro to IT Hybrid 10/29 & 30/2015 Timed Writing Activity Table of Contents pg 3, CA1 Activity 4, pg 133, Score = _____ eMarion activity should be complete before you leave today – was due LAST week! Am I Clear_Proper Attire Activity Open the document; Save it to your H drive Type responses in each box AND provide reason(s) why the person is or is not clear; MUST give specific detailed reasons to receive full credit. Once you have all of your responses, save again; Due by Thursday/Friday, October 29/30 Operating Systems – click the lesson icon (looks like picture on easel) Read the standards Read the lesson and answer each of the four questions as they come up; take notes as you go. Notes should be on a sheet of paper titled “Operating Systems” – add to Table of Contents as pg 4 MicroType 5 Assignments Numeric Lessons 1-8: due November 12 th /13 th Complete the two learn tabs and the combine tab for each lesson; if it is a Review lesson, complete Improve Keystroking tab only Exit Activity: How might appearances form certain perceptions about a person?