Lead Team Name (CTSA Hub / Institution)Role Rebecca Jackson (Ohio State)Co-Lead Richard Barohn (Kansas) Co-Lead (Steering Committee Appointee) Carrie Byington (Utah)Lead Team Lee Nadler (Harvard)Lead Team Christine Sorkness (Wisconsin- Madison) Lead Team Joan Nagel (NCATS)NCATS/DCI Representative Full Domain Task Force 62 representatives from CTSA Hubs
Goal of Workforce Development Domain Task Force IOM Report - NCATS ACWG The translational science workforce has the skills and knowledge necessary to advance translation of discoveries. This goal focuses on: Building an environment that supports and values translational science as “the place to go” for those who want to pursue high-impact careers in health sciences. Training, educating and providing all members of the research team with the skills sets and tools needed to advance the field of translational science Developing a translational science workforce that can meet the needs of today and tomorrow.
Fundamental Issues Underlying Discussions on Workforce Development How do we use the strengths and unique assets of the consortium to develop the translational science workforce? What are the greatest scientific and career opportunities for the future and how do we prepare the workforce to seize these opportunities? How do we consider workforce development across the continuum of career or for different members of the team? How do we support a diverse translational science workforce? How do we define career success?
A Call to Action: Rapidly take what was learned in the past and go forward An integrated and extensible “home” for workforce development for clinical and translational research Core K-R Transition GCP Team Competencies Science CT University Career pipeline for clinician scientists (and members of research team) Metrics of success and needs across each stage Sustainable and innovative workforce Past (and current) CTSA Consortium Efforts Translational Research Workforce Development Engine Ultimate Objective
Approach towards Addressing Workforce Development Challenges Define Identify most pressing challenges What outcome is desired (i.e. what does success look like?) Develop Innovative potential solutions (in part based on pilot efforts and successes at one or more CTSA hubs) Study intervention (e.g. comparative effectiveness, pre-post or randomized models) Requires metrics that capture leading edge indicator of success Do subgroups of workforce respond differently (targeted interventions/solutions for different stages?) Disseminate Share tools, procedures, and educational resources Apply as standard (where appropriate)
Challenges, Goals and Priorities Challenge Ensure that all members of clinical and translational research workforce have the skills to execute clinical trials with the highest quality standards Short Term Goals (in process) Workforce Development “GCP” Supplement Define minimum standards and who to train Define core competencies Priorities (next steps) Define additional courses needed for competencies Develop national education platform Avoid redundancies- Many resources available for training that few institutions know about, i.e. National Board of Medical Examiners; FDA licensing process for GCP, prior work from Education and Regulatory KFC defining competencies, CTSA University.
Challenges, Goals and Priorities Challenges Shrinking translational science workforce Particular need to address clinician investigator Increase diversity of workforce “Leaky” translational science pipeline Short Term Goals Define what areas of C&T research need to grow Identify human resources gaps Define viable career paths for C&T investigators What is needed at different stages in career Priorities for Career Sustainability Identify new models for success link rewards to achievements Sustainable funding/resources identify those resources that have the greatest impact
Challenges, Goals and Priorities Challenge: Need for training to acquire unique skills and expertise Address skills required for tomorrow’s needs Exposure to breadth of careers Without extending length of time of training Avoid redundancies Short Term Goals Define needs (and gaps) for translational research training are required Identify unique resources and partners Priorities for Translational Science Resources CT University Innovative educational models Measure effectiveness!!
Next Steps to Developing Selected DTF Projects/Activities Identify biggest opportunities Solicit partnerships from a wide spectrum of experts Focus on innovation and efficiency Approach Summit of education and training leaders from multiple backgrounds and disciplines Expeditiously survey landscape of unique resources Identify where we can leverage and disseminate existing resources
E+R=O Defining the events that might face the workforce Response is dependent on skillsets developed Opportunity to increase sustained career success