The Quality Assurance for Higher Education, aims to ensure the quality of all of the Foundation's services to students, not only in the teaching process, but also through a common framework for transparent evaluation. The purpose of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education is to establish a common and uniform system of evaluation of education not only at a national level but also at an international one. Quality is the set of properties and characteristics of a product or service that contribute to its ability to satisfy expressed or implied needs. But what to we mean by Quality in Education?
The concept of Quality in Higher Education in our Education System was established by Law 3374/2005 and is based on European standards that are also implemented by the other forty-five European countries and contributes to "... the systematic, documented and detailed evaluation, promotion and recording of the work of institutions of Higher Education, using objective criteria and critical analysis of the work... "(Article 1 and 2 of Law 5575/2005). In Europe, the introduction of e-government in education is not something new. It started in 1988 by an invitation of the University of Bologna to other universities and goes on until today by ENQA (European Dimension of Quality Assurance in Higher Education). ENQA has established a credit system (European Credit Transfer Systems) in all European universities since the introduction of the Diploma Supplement, which is not a separate qualification, but part of the Diploma which makes easily understood the level of the Diploma in European countries.
Bodies responsible for the implementation of Quality Assurance in Higher Education, the base of Law 3374 / 2005 are: For each Department the ΟΜ. Ε. Α. (and in special occasion the special Ε. Ο. Α. ), for all the institution the MODIP. ADIP is an independent authority responsible for the external evaluation and plays the supervisory role in all procedures.
Some Words about Our University and MODIP Was established by a special law in 1976 and provides a high level with applied research that combines technological education in selected fields. It has two schools: the School of Applied Technology and School of Business and Economics with a total of 9 departments and 19 graduate programs to date either independently or in collaboration with other institutions. Participates in many of European and not only research and technology programs, such as Erasmus plus or Tempus.
Our research was conducted on the model questionnaire of ADIP, a fact that allows the implementation of the Agency-wide or comparing parts – institutions. It should be noted that the students and the entire academic community were initially negative of the evaluation, but the student body responded with responsibility and reliability and participated in this process as the Administration of our Institution encouraged them to participate in filling out the questionnaires measuring their satisfaction through workshops, lectures, publications and promotional activities of the institutions.
MODIP in our Institution It is the central coordinating body for quality assurance and evaluation of the Foundation. It meets under the chairmanship of the Deputy Rector Professor D. Tseles. The aim of MO.DI.P of PUAS Is the systematic, registration and promotion of the academic role of each academic unit and department separately and the University as a whole. The evaluation of each department and the whole institution includes: - the quality of teaching, - the research work of the involved parties, - the curriculum and - the quality of other services, as library, administrative services, etc.
Our research Each semester we share to our students a questionnaire, which includes Questions : The first nineteen questions related to the learning process the available equipment and learning outcomes of theoretical courses, The next 7 questions ask about the workshop sessions, the next six questions relating to performance and presence supervisor in the learning process and The last 5 regarding the same student and how he sees his involvement with this particular course. Controls Reliability A-Cronbach / Factor Analysis
Our research is a) Exploratory b) Descriptive c) Experimental In this semester we collected 9744 questionnaires from our students in our undergraduate programs. Our questionnaire is closed type questions, that contains only questions that can be rated and leaves no scope for growth responses of the participants. The grading scale is as follows, with a 5 level grading scale Likert: 1: Non – 2: A few – 3: Moderate – 4: Much – 5: Very Much
Analyzing the given scores to all the questions we have a view on how satisfied the students themselves from the curriculum of their department, perceptions of faculty learning process, but also infrastructure such as laboratory equipment and library, educational textbooks, any notes, but perhaps for the first time in the Greek educational system, able to self-evaluate concerning hours engaging in courses of the department and their presence in them (with monitoring). The processing of such data through the SPSS program, is a tool for identifying positive and negative points in the Foundation's actions, as seen by the students themselves. As a result the Foundation Assurance Unit and the Administration manage to decide strategy actions for improvement, in order to maximize satisfaction of students.
Samples of our results In this chart we could see the standard deviation per question and how changes the fluctuation more than the typical one grade plus or minus in each question
Experimentally, in a section of our research we designed a questionnaire with a partial satisfaction per category of questions in order to be able to be processed through the program MUSA (Multi-criteria Satisfaction Analysis) and then a comparative analysis of exported data of this method with the results of processing through SPSS, but also with those of the Foundation's external evaluators. Our research is the comparison of the conclusions of these two methods depending on the external evaluation of the Foundation. Until the Quality will be a part of our routine: We will try to optimize our selves first and our education system with the Knowledge that there is no Universities better in everything.
Thank you