Sustaining Connections to Community Colleges
What are the key changes or connections that you hope to sustain after the grant ends? Expand efforts to develop articulation agreements Must also be revisited, updated, and implemented Aligning curricula Clarifying credit transfer policies As Jan Cuny said, “The credit must transfer as SOMETHING!!!”
What specific grant activities formalize changes/relationships to help future sustainability? Mechanisms to share success stories
Obstacles encountered Mismatches in curricula Understanding of CS vs. IT Turn-over in personnel at community colleges University curricula inertia
Strategies to overcome obstacles Close your and pick up the phone! Share resources Invite CC faculty to campus and go visit them Piggy-back on NCWIT and other sponsored activities to attract women and other underrepresented groups to CS See articles and talks by Bill Cosby on the role of Community Colleges also see postings by dissenters...
Challenges when working with faculty and students Cultural inertia Understanding the role of Community Colleges Research vs. teaching dilemma at R1 and aspiring R1 universities
Ways CPATH community can help Develop forums for discussion between parties We found it amazing that some universities aren’t even talking to their “feeder” CCs
Other big ideas Establish personal relationships Meet F2F Worth repeating... close your and pick up the phone!