Stave 130 (Intermediate Thermo-mechanical Stave) Tim
What we said... October 2009
June 2011 – WP4 Milestones WP4 (Tracker-Mechanics) Milestones and Deliverables (1 June 2011) MilestoneDescription Is a Deliverable ? Date Status Affected by internationa l partners? Notes (Dependencies/Influences) OriginalTargetActual M4.1Evaluation of titanium tube completed.NoDec-10 ########CompleteNo Done. Stavelet with 1/8” titanium tubes constructed. Welding issues identified. M4.2 Prototype (stavelet) test/shipping container evaluated. NoDec-11 In progress NoOn track - prototype frame in manufacture M4.3 Functional prototype of full-scale module mounting system. NoNov-11 In progress No On track. International stave programme assumes module mounting capability at RAL during 201. Need to maintain capability during system development. M4.4Final stave core selected and prototyped.NoMay-12 In progress Yes On track. Experience in the manufacture of the Thermo- mechanical stave and stavelets will be used to iterate the tooling design and subsequently manufacture a new round of prototypes. M4.5 Bending and orbital welding of 2.2mm OD titanium tubes demonstrated NoDec-11 In progress No On track. Procurement of 2.2mm OD titanium tube (shared with ATLAS IBL project) completed. Tube bending / welding studies starting. Prototype tubes will be supplied to stave (and stavelet) assembly task. M4.6Define Production FrameNoFeb-12 In progress YesOn track. M4.7Full set of measured material’s propertiesYesNov-11 In progress NoOn track - draft report in preparation M4.8 Evaluation of titanium tube, specification and plan for mass production YesMay-12 In progress Yes Results of prototyping during 2011 will inform later development & planning M4.9Delivery of 1st core for 130nm ASICsYesDec-12 In progress Yes On track. FEA for thermal design. ATLAS-wide initiative formal specifications & interfaces just starting M4.10Delivery of core for 130nm electrical staveYesMar-13 In progress YesSee above M4.11Full-sized module mounting system completeYesJun-12 In progress NoOn track M4.12Full-scale test/shipping system with toolingYesSep-12 In progress YesOn track. Exact design will depend on emerging stave geometry. M4.13Feasibility of strawman v14 service layoutYesDec-11 In progress No On track. End-plate mock-up complete. Focus now on services modules
September 2012 – WP 4 Milestones WP4 (Tracker-Mechanics) Milestones and Deliverables (25 July 2012) MilestoneDescription Is a Deliverable? Date Status Affected by international partners? Part of critical path? Notes (Dependencies/Influences) OriginalTarget Actual M4.1Evaluation of titanium tube completed.NoDec-10 Jan-11CompleteNo Done. Stavelet with 1/8” titanium tubes constructed. Welding issues identified. M4.2 Prototype (stavelet) test/shipping container evaluated. NoDec-11 CompleteNo Prototype stavelet frame manufactured & validated in module mounting system. Insertion trials in progress M4.3 Functional prototype of full-scale module mounting system. NoNov-11Jul-12Sep-12CompleteNo All components ready. On emodule mounting station fully developed, remaining three awaiting modifications. System integration complete. Software development ongoing. M4.4Final stave core selected and prototyped.NoMay-12Dec-12 In progressYes New tooling designed & commissioned. Cooling loops becoming available but final objects with 2.2mm tubes still need manufacture & test. M4.5 Bending and orbital welding of 2.2mm OD titanium tubes demonstrated NoDec-11 Nov-11CompleteNoYes Done. Tube bending OK. Initial welding studies completed with reasonable success. Process optimisation continuing. Prototype tubes will be supplied to stave (and stavelet) assembly task. M4.6Define Production FrameNoFeb-12 CompleteYesNo Done. New design is compatible with current locking points. M4.7Full set of measured material’s propertiesYesNov-11 Apr-12CompleteNoYesDone. PhD thesis submitted. M4.8 Evaluation of titanium tube, specification and plan for mass production YesMay-12 CompleteYes Evaluation completed & specifications defined. Final prototyping batch of tube on order. M4.9Delivery of 1st core for 130nm ASICsYesDec-12 In progressYesNo On track. FEA for thermal design. ATLAS-wide initiative formal specifications & interfaces just starting. Possible delay due to change in number of modules from 12 to 13. M4.10Delivery of core for 130nm electrical staveYesMar-13 In progressYes See above. BN 130nm modules only available in M4.11 Full-sized module mounting system complete YesJun-12Mar-13 In progressNoYes System development on hold during assembly of stave 250 (Oct-Dec 2012). Development of software & system automation (Jan-Mar 2013) M4.12 Full-scale test/shipping system with tooling YesSep-12Dec-12 In progressYesNo Stave insertion demonetration passed OK. Coupling to final stave design understood. M4.13Feasibility of strawman v14 service layoutYesDec-11 Nov-11CompleteYesNo Done. End-plate mock-up and prototype services module complete & mounted. In-situ orbital welding demonstrated. Optimisation of services layout beginning.
What is it? Standard UK geometry – 12 modules – 5mm thick – Assembled on CF tooling Low-power cooling structure – 2.275mm OD titanium tubes – 0.23g/cc Allcomp K9 foam Thermal Modules – ABCN250-type thermo-mechanical modules as per design used on Stave250 thermo-mechanical
What’s it for? It’s a ‘deliverable’ in current WP4 – Should really try and complete it by the time the ‘close-out’ review document is submitted (mid April?) It will be the first demonstration that a small- bore tube in low density foam is adequate for cooling 130nm ASIC modules
Parts Inventory Stave – 1 st half complete & waiting for cooling tube – Time-to-completion ~ 1 week Thermo-mechanical modules – 12 exist at Glasgow & will be delivered to Liverpool today These are thought to be the only 250nm-type thermal modules remaining There are 2-3 bare hybrid panels at Liverpool (need resistors adding) – need to discuss with Ash New silicon (part of 50 pieces) – 25 cut. Module Mounting – Check with Martin Gibson