Exam Strategies & Tactics How to succeed when taking examinations & tests
Before the Exam Pay attention in class - get serious Do given assignments - foundation for success Don’t understand? ask questions, seek help Study! Study!! Study!!! – Memorize formulae & rules Practice, practice, practice – Work in groups and work individually – Find & do past exams
A Day Before the Exam Pray - remember? - work & pray Get enough sleep Get your pens, pencils, sharpner, eraser, ruler, math set ready the night before.
Day of the Exam Leave home early - no rushing Get to exam hall before the starting time Bring pens, pencils, sharpner, eraser, ruler, math set, extra paper (if needed) Bring extra pens & pencils Believe in yourself - Yes, I Can! Pass Don’t panic
In the Exam Hall Sit down patiently Listen attentively to & follow instructions Start only when you are told to start Quickly look through all questions before starting on any one question – allows you to allocate your time between questions wisely
During the Exam Spend your time wisely Allocate time proportionally to the mark for each question Re-read the questions and underline key words and phrases - clues for what to do – Pay attention to specific instructions Write brief notes & outline answers in your exam booklet – what am I asked to do?
During the Exam Remember the formulae & the rules – Identify formulae and equations presented in words; ex. if is equal to 3.14, what is …? – Represent numbers in different ways Start with the question(s) you know 1st Don't get stuck on any particular question Show your work - step-by-step calculations – Make good efforts on each question Don’t leave any question untouched – Opportunity to get partial credit
During the Exam Write in pencil - unless – you can easily erase to make the necessary corrections Cross-out abandoned/attempted bad work instead of erasing – Don’t paint, just place an “X” across it Save some time to check your work before submitting your exam – spend a few minutes to go back over your work; don’t rush to leave unless time is up
Behaviour of Numbers Nature of Mathematical Relationships – Operations of numbers are interchangeable AdditionSubtraction MultiplicationDivision ExponentLogarithm 3 2 = = = 5or = 4 5 x 6 = 5 = 6 or 30 6 = 5 2 = Log 3 9
Behaviour of Numbers Nature of Mathematical Relationships – Operations of numbers are interchangeable SquaresSquare root Fractionsdecimalspercentagesratios (4) 2 = 16 √16 = 4 1⁄20.550%1:1