Micah 5:2-5
Context: -Micah prophesied to the Kingdom of Judah, in the days of the prophet Isaiah, and kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah -Foreseeing judgment and desolation, and eventual restoration and deliverance
Theme repeated several times in Micah: God’s shepherding of His people, such as 2:12: A sheepfold, flock in His pasture
Key figures in the history of Bethlehem: -Naomi and Ruth: Ruth 1:1, 1:19, 1:22 -King David: I Sam. 16:1-13, Ps. 78: Jesus: Luke 2:4-7
1. Jesus came forth from an everlasting place (Mic. 5:2b) -See also: Ps. 90:2
2. Jesus would be birthed in Bethlehem as the fulfillment of the promise of deliverance (Mic. 5:3) -See also: Is. 61:1-3
3. He will come as a shepherd, feeding the flock (Mic. 5:4a) -See also: Jn. 10:11
4. His shepherding would be of kingly majesty (Davidic) – it would be in the strength of the Lord as protector, deliverer (Mic. 5:4a) -See also: Rev. 5:1-12 – Worthy is the Lamb!
5. He will be peace – to the ends of the earth (Mic. 5:4b-5) -See also: Is. 9:6 – He is the Prince of Peace!