Lesson 2 part 1
Review: Revelation 1 What John saw Revelation 2-3 The things which are Revelation 4-22 The things which will take place after these things What? Prophecy (1:1 and 22:6) What? To show His bond servants the things which must soon take place (1:1)
The order the revelation was given: God to Jesus ↓ Jesus to angel ↓ Angel to John ↓ John to the churches in Asia
1:1 Has bond-servants 1:1 God gave Him the Revelation 1:1 Has “His” angel 1:5 Faithful witness 1:5 Firstborn of the dead 1:5 Ruler of the kings of the earth 1:5 Loves us 1:5 Released us from our sins by His blood 1:6 Made us (to be) a kingdom 1:6 Made us priests to His God and Father
1:6 Glory and the dominion are His forever and ever 1:7 Coming with the clouds 1:7 Every eye will see Him 1:7 Those who pierced Him will see Him 1:7 All the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him Why mourn? Perhaps because it will be too late for those who did not believe in Him
1:9 Tribulation, kingdom and perseverance are in Jesus 1:13 “Like a son of man” in the middle of the lampstands/churches 1:13 Clothed in a robe reaching to His feet 1:13 Golden sash girded across His chest 1:14 Head and hair: white like wool white like snow 1:14 Eyes: like a flame of fire 1:15 Feet: like burnished bronze when it has been made to glow in a furnace 1:15 Voice: like the sound of many waters
1:16 Right Hand: Holds 7 stars=angels of the churches 1:16 Mouth: sharp two-edged sword coming out 1:18 He is: First Last Living One Was dead/now is alive forever 1:18 Has the keys of death & Hades
Metaphor: an implied comparison between two things that are different. A metaphor is different from a simile in that a metaphor is not a stated comparison; it is an implied comparison “like, as and such” are NOT used Simile: an expressed or stated comparison of two different things or ideas that uses the connecting words “like, as, such as, or the word pair, as….so”. Ex. “His eyes were like a flame of fire.” Rev. 1:14b
Make sure to click on “Lex” which is the lexicon, which transliterates the English word to the Greek word and its meaning.