Cut out these measurements before the lesson 11 1/8 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 7/8
IEEI Keynote: Brynn Cochran--CWE ??????????
Anticipatory Set (You Do) Think about why it is important to organize items such as your clothes, library books or food in the grocery store. Share your ideas with your face partner.
Task Expectations (We Do) As a team, you will have ten-twelve minutes to complete the task. Please follow the roles and responsibilities of your group. You are expected to be active, supportive and engaged group members.
Group Roles Recorder: Do the writing and recording for the group. Materials Monitor: Gather all supplies needed for the task as well as monitor the time. (poster, glue stick, bag of paper slips, ruler, markers, slate & marker) Team Leader: Make sure each team member is contributing to the success of the group and stays on task. Coach: Shares out for the team their strategies and solution to the task.
Task Think back to the beginning of the lesson. Do you think it is also important to organize numbers? As a group take out the paper slips in your bag and sort them anyway you think works best. Please glue and label the poster as needed. The only rule is that you need to be able to answer the questions by looking at your poster and doing a little math but without maneuvering the numbers on the poster. So think carefully about your organization. Questions: 1.) Which measurement value came up the most? 2.) Which value(s) came up the least? 3.) How long are all the strips together? 4.) What is the difference between the greatest measurement and the smallest measurement?
Let’s Share
Let’s Look Together Our objective was: I can create and analyze information on a line plot using measurement data. Essential Questions: 1.What is a line plot? How do you display data on a line plot? 2.What is data? How do you interpret data represented on a line plot? 3.What are fractions? How can you use fractions to solve problems involving measurement and line plots? Data is another word for information. In this task it was the measurements or think of it as what is being plotted. Fractions are parts of a whole. There are also mixed numbers (whole #’s and fractions) in line plots. You had to add the fractions to find the total, subtract to find the difference and sometimes you have to find the average where you need to add and then divide by the total number. Answers: 1.) 1 1/2 in. 2.) 1 in. & 1 7/8 in. 3.) 12 1/8 in. 4.) 7/8 in /8 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 1 7/8 2 X XXXXXX X XXXX XXXX
Closure Think back to our objective and restate it to your face partner. I can create and analyze information on a line plot using measurement data. Complete a on your slate. 3 different things you could make a line plot with 2 questions you can answer using a line plot 1 sentence summary of line plots