The Howard University College of Dentistry: An Integrative Center for Reducing Oral Health Disparities Donna B. Grant-Mills, R.D.H., M.Ed., D.D.S. LaToya Barham, D.D.S. MDFD II Program Progress Report June 14, 2013
BACKGROUND For more than a decade the Howard University College of Dentistry has expanded on its innovative programs to increase access to health care through major support from: The W. K. Kellogg Foundation The American Dental Education Association The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
BACKGROUND Contribute to a diverse and culturally aligned workforce Identification and development of interprofessional strategies that incorporate social determinants of health Facilitated recruitment and retention of URM and disadvantaged groups
GOALS Build relationships and preventive services with school-based programs to promote care sites in underserved communities Develop culturally competent URM allied dental professional program Recruit dental and allied health professionals to reach a minimum of 250 children in medically underserved communities Provide funding for training URM allied dental professionals Faculty Development; attend Allied Dental Health Leadership Institute Model for access to care for the underserved; Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC); High School Wellness Center; IPEC relationships with medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and social work Dental Hygiene Career Days; Career Laddering; Summer Externship Program
SPECIFIC AIMS Strengthen faculty development, mentoring and advancement. Strengthen the academic and service pipeline. Foster cultural change and develop URM leadership at US dental schools. Increase cultural competency in oral health and public health for greater community impact. Establish best practices Dissemination of knowledge to other dental schools.
Key Personnel Co-Investigators Program Staff Pediatric Dentist Public Health Hygienist Oral Health Liaison Internal and External Advisory Committee IPEC
ACTIVITIES Solidify Academic/Community Partnerships – July, 2012 Establish Faculty Development Program – July, 2012 Initiated Dental Assisting Pipeline – October, 2012 Establish One on One mentorship – November, 2012 Establish Sealant Program –November, 2012 Participate in monthly community/school based outreach programs – November, 2012 Establish IPEC Cross-Training – January, 2013 Summer Externship – June 2013
Academic/Community Partnerships Colgate/Howard University College of Dentistry Strengthening the Bridge of Access to Care Service to more than 350 children
Faculty Development Program ADEA Allied Dental Leadership Institute Provost Monthly Faculty Development Program CARES Training for entire College
One on One Mentorship Each One Reach One Career Laddering
Interprofessional Education Collaborative Social Work, Nursing, Medicine, and Pharmacy
Summer Externship H.O.P.E. Yes! Dream. Believe. Achieve. Making a commitment for the future
Summer Externship Future Health Care Providers take a stand
Summer Externship High Achievement Outstanding Leadership Powerful Purpose Exceptional Excellence
Acknowledgements Special thanks to the following organizations and individuals for their support: W. K. Kellogg Foundation American Dental Education Association Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Dean Leo E. Rouse Earl M. Kudlick, DDS, MSD Therese Galloucis, DDS
Thank you