High Level Group on the Modernisation of Higher Education Mary McAleese (Chair) Agneta Bladh Vincent Berger Christian Bode Jan Muehlfeit Tea Petrin Alessandro.


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Presentation transcript:

High Level Group on the Modernisation of Higher Education Mary McAleese (Chair) Agneta Bladh Vincent Berger Christian Bode Jan Muehlfeit Tea Petrin Alessandro Schiesaro Loukas Tsoukalis

Education and Training What is the problem? Teaching undervalued, not used for hiring, promotion compared to research No structural training for higher education staff in most Member States No data on progression – tracking of students Teaching and Learning evolution – student centred, problem based teaching and learning and transversal skills and interdisciplinary teaching, more diverse student body, massification

Education and Training Ways of Working Research, Eurydice, Hearings of Experts, Exchange of opinions

Education and Training Result Report on "Improving the quality of teaching and learning in Europe´s HEIs" PDF version: education/doc/modernisation_en.pdf. education/doc/modernisation_en.pdf Online flip-book version: education/modernisation/standard/index.htmlhttp://ec.europa.eu/education/higher- education/modernisation/standard/index.html

Education and Training Recommendation 2 Every institution should implement a strategy for the support of the quality of teaching and learning, giving teaching due parity with research. Recommendation 3 Higher education institutions should encourage, welcome, and take account of student feedback which could detect problems in the teaching and learning environment early on and lead to faster, more effective improvements.

Education and Training Recommendation 4 All staff teaching in higher education institutions in 2020 should have received certified pedagogical training. Recommendation 9 Higher education institutions and national policy makers in partnership with students should establish counselling, guidance, mentoring and tracking systems to support students into higher education, and on their way to graduation and beyond.

Education and Training Recommendation 11 Develop the skills for online and other forms of teaching and learning opened up by the digital era. Recommendation 12 Implement holistic internationalisation strategies.

Education and Training Recommendation 13 EU should promote: innovative teaching and learning methodologies and pedagogical approaches; guidance, counselling and coaching methods; improved programme design, taking account of the latest research on human learning; the professionalization and development of teachers, trainers and staff; mobility and exchanges of academic staff for long term teaching assignments; and systematic and regular data collection on issues affecting the quality of teaching and learning.

Education and Training and finally … Recommendation 14 EU should "support the establishment of a European Academy for Teaching and Learning led by stakeholders, and inspired by the good practices reflected in this report."