MOLECULAR Compounds and ACIDS MOLECULAR: 2 nonmetallic elements Step 1: Confirm that the molecule is a binary molecular compound (2 nonmetals). Step 2: Name the elements in the order listed in the formula. Step 3: Use prefixes to indicate the number of each kind of atom. (exception: do not use -mono at the beginning) Step 4: Add the suffix –ide to the name of the second element.
Sample Problems Name these binary molecular compounds. a.N 2 O b.PCl 3 ** c. SF 6 2 nitrogen atoms, prefix di- 1 oxygen atom, prefix mono- NAME: dinitrogen monoxide 1 phosphorus beginning – NO PREFIX 3 chlorine atoms, tri- NAME: phosphorus trichloride 1 sulfur atom, NO PREFIX 6 fluorine atoms, hexa- NAME: sulfur hexafluoride
Name these binary molecular compounds. a.OF 2 b.Cl 2 O 8 c.SO 3 Write the formulas for the following binary molecular compounds. a.Nitrogen trifluoride b.Disulfur dichloride c.Dinitrogen tetroxide Practice Problems Oxygen difluoride Dichlorine octoxide Sulfur trioxide NF 3 S 2 Cl 2 N2O4N2O4
Combinations of anions and as many hydrogen ions (H + ) as are needed to make the molecule neutral. - ate suffix of the anion changes to – ic in the acid. - ite suffix of the anion changes to – ous in the acid. EXAMPLE: ClO 4 - perchlor ate ion HClO 4 perchlor ic acid (added one hydrogen ion) ACIDS
Give the name or formula for these common acids. a.H 2 SO 4 b.H 2 CO 3 c.Nitric acid d.Phosphoric acid Sulfuric Acid Carbonic Acid HNO 3 H 3 PO 4