Sixth Form: the stage for success Presentation to parents and students Wednesday 25 November 2015
The Vision The student at the centre of all we do Personalised learning not ‘one size fits all’
The Benefits A track record of success ALPS OfSTED Deepening a working partnership New opportunities
What do we offer that 6 th form schools may not? OfSTED, amongst other things, looks for the following: “Learners are confident, self-assured and work hard; they are keen to come to school and are enterprising and responsible members of the school community.” Stability and continuity Academic success New opportunities - Community Service, Mentor training, Head Team Working in partnership with local businesses
Routes: AS levels – progression to A’ Level Vocational AS levels – progression to A’ Level Requirements: Minimum of 5 grade A* - C GCSEs to study A levels or equivalent AS/A’Level : 5 grades A* - C including 2 grade Bs (with a C grade for English and Maths) Level 3 Btec courses equivalent to 4 AS courses – studied over two years ‘Personalised’ learning
Students should ask themselves whether they are: Well-organised Self-motivated and confident A good all-rounder Someone who is proud of success Interested in understanding knowledge and how best to use it Interested in serving their community Not quite sure of an area of specialism (possibly because they are “good” at everything!) Keen to keep learning a broad range of subjects
For first teaching September 2015: English Language, English Literature, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Psychology, Art and Design and Business For first teaching September 2016: Mathematics and Further Mathematics, Geography and Languages (Modern and ancient), Religious Studies, Design and Technology, Drama, Dance, Music and Physical Education will be reformed for first teaching in September 2016 This obviously means students in September 2016 will be potentially on a mix of old and new courses.
New AS Levels: Will remain at the same standard. Will be standalone qualifications and won’t count towards the A-level grade. AS levels should be designed to be co-taught with the first year of A-level in most subjects. Their key purpose will be to encourage curriculum breadth with a linear and a more synoptic assessment. May be assessed after one year or two years. No coursework (except Art).
New A-levels: Will be fully linear with more synoptic assessment. Synoptic assessment encourages students to combine elements of their learning from different parts of a programme and to show their accumulated knowledge and understanding of a topic or subject area. Will have linear assessment at the end of the 2 year course (June only).
Unit Two Unit One A/S A Level Year 12 Year 13 Unit ThreeUnit Four A/S A Level Most students take 4 A/S courses An A/S consists of 2 units Grade Structure of A/S and A levels These generally lead to 3 A Levels courses and 1 “cashed in” AS grade Most university offers are based on 21 units or 3 – 4 A Levels levels An A Level is a further 2 units All units are assessed by exam in the summer The results of these units will be given to UCAS
Application Process Prospectus and Information evenings Complete application form: supported by tutor Interview on Monday 30 th November – 4 th December A level: Select 4 subjects, Deadline for submitting application form Confirm choices or reselect GCSE Results day - Thursday 19th August 2016 confirm place Induction interview Thursday 19th August 2016 Wednesday 25 th November 30 th Nov – 4th Dec 2015 Friday 8 th January 2016 End of February
Contacts: Miss P Mittal ~ Head of Sixth Form Mr R Ferguson ~ Assistant Head of Sixth Form Mrs C Moore ~ Sixth Form Administrator Please feel free to ask staff any questions you may have about 6 th form generally and speak to subject staff and students about the different subjects on offer. Copies of the prospectus are available