2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) Key Indicators
Millennium Development Goals for 2015 Indicator2014 KDHS Indicator Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Prevalence of underweight children under 5 years of age Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Net attendance ratio in primary education Literacy rate of year olds Goal 3: Promote gender equality and women’s empowerment Ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary, and tertiary education Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Under-five mortality rate Infant mortality rate Proportion of 1 year-old children immunised against measles Goal 5: Improve maternal health Adolescent birth rate Contraceptive prevalence rate Antenatal care coverage Births attended by skilled health professional Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases Condom use at last high-risk sex Population age with comprehensive knowledge of HIV Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans age Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Population using an improved water source Population using an improved sanitation facility Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development Not applicable to 2014 KDHS
Educational Attainment of Respondents Age Percent of women and men age 15-49
Fertility Trends Births per woman for the three-year period before the survey *Data before 2003 exclude North Eastern region and several northern districts in Eastern and Rift Valley regions.
Fertility by County Births per woman for the three-year period before the survey
Teenage Childbearing by Education Percent of women age who are mothers or pregnant with their first child
Fertility Preferences of Married Women Percent distribution of currently married women age by desire for children
Current Use of Contraception Percent of women age 15-49
Current Use of Contraception by County Percent of currently married women age currently using any method of family planning
Trends in Use of Contraception Percent of currently married women age Goal 5 *Data before 2003 exclude North Eastern region and several northern districts in Eastern and Rift Valley regions.
Demand for Family Planning Percent of currently married women age 15-49
Trends in Childhood Mortality Deaths per 1,000 live births for the five-year period before the survey Goal 4 *Data before 2003 exclude North Eastern region and several northern districts in Eastern and Rift Valley regions.
Trends in Neonatal Mortality Deaths per 1,000 live births for the five-year period before the survey *Data before 2003 exclude North Eastern region and several northern districts in Eastern and Rift Valley regions.
Summary of child mortality trends
Assistance during Delivery by County Percent of live births in the five-year period before the survey delivered by a skilled provider (doctor, nurse, or midwife)
Delivery in a Health Facility by County Percent of live births in the five-year period before the survey delivered in a health facility
Trends in Maternal Health Percent of live births in the five-year period before the survey *Skilled provider includes doctor, nurse, or midwife. Goal 5
Postnatal Care (PNC) Among women age who had a live birth in the two years before the survey, percent who had a postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth
Childhood Vaccinations Percent of children age months vaccinated Pentavalent PolioPneumococcal
Vaccination Coverage by County Percent of children age months fully vaccinated *Kirinyaga county figure based on fewer than unweighted cases. *
Childhood Illnesses Among children under 5 with symptoms of acute respiratory infection (ARI), fever, or diarrhoea, percent whom advice or treatment was sought from a health facility or provider
Nutritional Status of Children Percent of children under *Based on the 2006 WHO Child Growth Standards
Stunting by County Percent of children under 5 who are stunted, or too short for age
Trends in Nutritional Status of Children Percent of children under 5 *Based on the 2006 WHO Child Growth Standards
Breastfeeding Status Under 6 Months Percent distribution of youngest children under 6 months who are living with their mother by breastfeeding status
ITN Ownership by County Percent of households with at least one insecticide-treated net (ITN)
Ownership of and Access to ITNs Percent of households Percent of household population *Assuming one ITN covers 2 people
Use of ITNs Percent who slept under an ITN the night before the survey among all households Percent who slept under an ITN the night before the survey among households with at least one ITN
Intermittent Preventive Treatment during Pregnancy (IPTp) Percent of women age with a live birth in the two years before the survey who:
Fever in Children In the 2 weeks before the survey, 24% of children under 5 had a fever. 72% were taken to a health facility or provider for advice or treatment. 35% had blood taken from a finger or heel for testing. 27% took antimalarial drugs. 23% took ACT.
Knowledge of HIV Prevention Methods Percent of women and men age who know that HIV can be prevented by:
Comprehensive Knowledge of HIV among Youth by Residence Percent of women and men age with comprehensive knowledge* of HIV *Comprehensive knowledge means knowing that the risk of getting HIV can be reduced by using condoms and limiting sex to one uninfected partner, knowing that a healthy looking person can have HIV, and rejecting the two most common local misconceptions about HIV prevention and transmission.
Multiple Sexual Partners Percent of women and men age who had: Among women and men age who had 2+ sexual partners in past 12 months, percent who: Among women and men age who have ever had sexual intercourse:
HIV Testing Percent of women and men age 15-49
Recent HIV Testing by County: Women Percent of women age who were tested for HIV in the past 12 months and received their results
Recent HIV Testing by County: Men Percent of men age who were tested for HIV in the past 12 months and received their results
Trends in Recent HIV Testing Percent of women and men age who were tested for HIV in the past 12 months and received their results
Experience of Domestic Violence Percent of ever-married women and men age who have ever experienced physical or sexual violence committed by their spouse/partner
Female Circumcision Percent of women age who:
Female Circumcision by Age Percent of women age circumcised
1% of Kenyan women have ever experienced fistula.
Key Findings Women have an average of 3.9 children. The contraceptive prevalence rate of any contraceptive method among married women is 58%. Infant mortality rate is 39 deaths per 1,000 live births and under-five mortality rate is 52 deaths per 1,000 live births. 61% of births were delivered in a health facility. 68% of children received are fully vaccinated. 26% of children under 5 are stunted (too short for age). 48% of Kenyan household population has access to an ITN. 53% of women and 46% of men were tested for HIV in past 12 months and received the results of the test. 21% of women in Kenya are circumcised.