Opportunity or Knocks? Social Media Feedback in the NHS Stuart R Wilson Director of Communications and Public Affairs NHS Lothian #SHCevent
We all love the NHS!
Angels of Mercy!
Or do we?
Negative Headlines
Francis Report on socmed
NHS and Social Media Not universal Some good, some not! Proactive not interactive Facebook, Twitter Demise of traditional media
Social Media Challenges Access 24/7 Resourcing Moderation Departmental Structures Confidentiality We can’t ignore it!
Benefits of Social Media Dynamic form of media Engagement tool Wider audience Proactive and reactive Drive traffic to websites Complements existing tools
Benefits of Social Media for feedback Problem resolution Positive brand image Staff involvement Cost reduction
It’s a tough shift!
Dr James Logan
But not all bad!
Private sector approach
Conclusion It’s here to stay Evolving We must evolve with it Embrace it, don’t fear it