CANCER how does it happen?
Checkpoints Where a cell Normally checks its self for a mutation as it goes through cell cycle
Checkpoints in cell cycle G1 – Cell growth -proteins control whether the cell will divide S – Before DNA Synthesis Check DNA before it replicates G2 – After DNA synthesis - DNA proofreader enzymes check the DNA and repair M – Mitosis – mutated cells stopped during mitosis
Cyclins Proteins that regulate the a cell’s progression through the cell cycle
CANCER – When cells mutate and grow, by-passing checkpoints
Aptosis When a mutant cell is destroyed or self destructs after failing check point Cancer cells do not self destruct and keep multiplying
Cancer cell division Unlike normal cells, cancer cells continue to divide indefinitely, even if they become densely packed. Cancer cells will also continue dividing even if they are no longer attached to other cells.
Tumor A mass of cells that grow uncontrolled
Types of Tumors Benign = “good” Tumor. NOT cancer Cells grow uncontrollably but DO NOT take over other cells Malignant = “bad” Tumor. Cancerous Cells invade and take over other cells
Metastasis A malignant cancer tumor grows and spreads to other parts of body
Carcinogens Any substance that can induce or promote cancer. Examples: Tobacco, certain chemicals, radiation A substances that cause mutations.
cell cycle and cancer cartoon cell cycle and cancer cartoon