SmartGRID Decentralized, dynamic grid scheduling framework on swarm agent-based intelligence Seminar in HUST, Wuhan, China. Oct. 22, 2008 Ye HUANG, Amos BROCCO Grid Group, Dept of Information and Communication Technologies, EIA-FR, Switzerland Pervasive Artificial Intelligence Group, Dept of Informatics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
2 Outline Aim SmartGRID architecture SmartGRID in depth MaGate scheduler Data warehouse interface Agent-based swarm intelligence Summary Future work
3 Aim Vision of Grid: Large scale distributed resources Decentralized Different policies Unstable, low reliability SmartGRID: grid resource management framework Utilizing different scheduling algorithms Interoperation emphasized scheduler Dynamic resource discovery by swarm intelligent algorithm
4 SmartGRID layered architecture Loosely coupled layered architecture. Two layers and one internal interface. Smart Resource Management Layer Data Warehouse Interface Smart Signaling Layer
5 SmartGRID Node (SG-Node) SG-Node: the logical unit of SmartGRID framework MaGate scheduler, DW interface, Ant nest MaGate Scheduler Nest Info. collector DW Interface
6 MaGate scheduler MaGate stands for “Magnetic Gateway for scheduler” Core of Smart Resource Management Layer (SRML) Targets: Open platform to different scheduling algorithms Based on dynamic infrastructure information Gateway between schedulers (MaGate & others, etc. PBS, MSS) Allow heterogenous and dynamic Grid scheduling Manage community of resources Decentralized view of the Grid Interface to external services To deal with corresponding issues, e.g. network behavior analyzing MaGate focuses on: Decentralization & Interoperability
7 MaGate architecture 1. Self-management 2. Access to invoker 3. Community management 4. LRM utilization 5. External components Remote MaGate Local Resource Management Grid applications
8 MaGate behavior MaGate Community Job executor Interface to invoker Router Interface to external service Full functional package
9 MaGate current roadmap Community Component Interoperation protocol & behavior, negotiation model DRM Component SAGA API Interface Component Application-Interface (App-I) to POP-C++ External Component Multi- scheduling algorithm adoption mechanism Utilizing agent-based dynamic resource discovery
10 A simple use case
11 MaGate technical timetable for current roadmap Simulation Basic on GridSim, integrated with Alea, GSSIM (Done) DataWarehouse Interface prototype Communication channel between SRML and SSL (Ongoing) Candidate standard specification Scheduler Interoperability best practice, WS-Agreement, JSDL, CSG (Ongoing) First standalone prototype
16 Smart Signaling Layer Services: network monitoring resource discovery Adaptive, Reliable, Robust Swarm Intelligence / Ant Colony Algorithms
17 Datawarehouse interface – Loosely coupled communication between layers Actions triggered by updates in the data warehouse – Persistent and cached Grid information storage local information monitored by the scheduler coordinated scheduling information negotiated by scheduler network information gathered by ants service request queries
18 Ant-based swarm intelligence Swarm intelligence: artificial intelligence inspired by the behavior of swarms (of insects) Ants: Lightweight mobile agents traveling across the network Ants can only access local resources on nodes Inherently fully distributed algorithms: Collaboration between individuals through indirect communication (stigmergy, pheromone trails)
19 BlåtAnt Algorithm: introduction – Fully distributed algorithm to construct and maintain a peer-to-peer overlay topology with bounded diameter Keeps the network connected while optimizing communication between nodes: Pure peer-to-peer: no superpeers Balanced link distributions: no large hubs Fault resilient Minimal number of links per node
20 BlåtAnt Algorithm: logic – Ensure that the network diameter d is D ≤ d < 2D - 1 – Create and remove logical links: – Connection Rule: two nodes are connected if their distance (in hops) is greater than 2D – 1 – Disconnection Rule: two adjacent nodes are disconnected if there exist an alternative path between them of length less than D
21 BlåtAnt Algorithm: implementation – Different species of ants with different tasks: Collect and spread information Connect / Disconnect peers Ensure fault resilience
22 BlåtAnt Algorithm: example graph before augmentation graph after augmentation diameter = 4 (< 2D – 1, D=3) diameter = 19
23 BlåtAnt Algorithm: evaluation (1) diameteredge count
24 BlåtAnt Algorithm: evaluation (2) ant populationDynamic scenario (125+ nodes)
25 SSL Roadmap SSL Middleware: – Solenopsis Framework integration BlåtAnt Algorithm: – Current work: Resource discovery algorithms, and proactive monitoring – Future: Large scale simulation and integration with DWI/SRML
26 Summary Smart Resource Management Layer – modular scheduler architecture – decentralized, distributed – open to existing local schedulers and external services Data Warehouse Interface Smart Signaling Layer – ant algorithms to provide network services – underlying peer-to-peer topology constructed using the BlåtAnt algorithm
27 Future work Smart Resource Management Scheduler (SRMS) – First prototype – SG-Node validation Data Warehouse – First development and integration Smart Signaling Layer (SSL) – resource discovery algorithms, round-trip time optimization, pro-active monitoring – Solenopsis 2.0 Middleware
28 Thanks! Questions?