Speaker: Wei-Lin Chen Advisor: Quincy Wu Date: 2008/12/30
Outline Overview Compile oRTP oRTP function calls Demo References 2
Overview GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) C language Includes an API to parse incoming RTCP packets Support for multiples profiles, AV profile being the one by default A packet scheduler for to send and recv packet "on time", according to their timestamp 3
Compile oRTP Download oRTP source ortp Compile /build/win32native/oRTP.vcproj Library /build/win32native/Debug/oRTP.lib 4
oRTP function calls void ortp_init () 初始化 oRTP void ortp_exit () 結束 oRTP rtpsession * rtp_session_new (int mode) RTP_SESSION_RECVONLY RTP_SESSION_SENDONLY RTP_SESSION_SENDRECV void rtp_session_set_ssrc(rtpsession *session, uint32 ssrc) 32 位元 SSRC 5
oRTP function calls(cont.) rtp_session_set_payload_type(rtpsession *session, int paytype) 成功,則回傳 0 rtp_session_set_remote_addr(rtpsession *session,char *addr, int port) 設定目標 address 跟 port 6
oRTP function calls(cont.) rtp_session_send_with_ts(rtpsession *session, char *buffer, int len, uint32 userts) 將 buffer 中的 data 裝入 rtp 發送到目標位址 rtp_session_recv_with_ts(rtpsession *session, char *buffer, int len, uint32 userts, int * have_more) 將接收到的 rtp 放進 buffer 中 7
oRTP function calls(cont.) rtp_session_destroy (rtpsession * session) 結束 session void ortp_global_stats_display () 統計 session 8
Demo rtpsend send.wav rtprecv recv.wav
References oRTP API documentation Po-Chou’s linphone powerpoint Chou/ _PoChou_Linphone.ppt Chou/ _PoChou_Linphone.ppt oRTP code review p p Lesser General Public License(LGPL) ent&Itemid=252&id=519&lang=en&task=view ent&Itemid=252&id=519&lang=en&task=view 10