Azure Web Apps For PHP Developers Maarten Microsoft Azure
Who am I? Maarten Balliauw Antwerp, Belgium Software Engineer, Microsoft Founder, MyGet AZUG Focus on web ASP.NET MVC, PHP, Azure, SignalR,... Former MVP Azure & ASPInsider Big passion: Azure
Agenda What is Microsoft Azure? What is Azure Web Apps? Environment Extend the Environment Continuous Integration Background Tasks (cron) Application Services Scale
What is Azure?
With Huge Infrastructure, Scaling Is Easy 19 Regions Online across 7 regions… and we’re growing 100+ datacenters Top 3 networks in the world 2x AWS, 6x Google DC Regions G Series – Largest VM in World 32 cores, 448GB Ram, SSD… Operational Announced Central US Iowa West US California North Europe Ireland East US Virginia East US 2 Virginia US Gov Virginia North Central US Illinois US Gov Iowa South Central US Texas Brazil South Sao Paulo West Europe Netherlands China North * Beijing China South * Shanghai Japan East Saitama Japan West Osaka India West TBD India East TBD East Asia Hong Kong SE Asia Singapore Australia West Melbourne Australia East Sydney * Operated by 21Vianet
Microsoft Azure Services Client layer (on-premises) TabletPhone Games consolePC On-premises databaseBrowserOffice Add-in On-premises service AD Multifactor Authentication Access Control Layer Integration layer Service BusCDN BizTalk Services Traffic Manager Virtual Networks Express Route Application layer API MgmtWebsites Cloud ServicesVM Mobile Services Media Services Notification HubsSchedulerAutomation Data Layer Storage BlobsTables Queues Data Machine LearningHD Insight Backup and Recovery SQL DatabaseCaching StorSimple
.NET Support 2014 Offline Sync Mobile Services Networking Visual Studio &.NET Virtual Machines Memory Optimized Disk Optimized Resource Manager Portal VSO GA Xamarin Point-to-site VPN Web Sites SMB File System IBIZA Remote Debug VM Management SQL Database Puppet Chef Docker Powershell and DSC Capture / Deploy Autoscale Dynamic Routing Subnet Routing Static IP Storage Autoscale Traffic Mgr Web Jobs Backup Java Support ASP.NET MVC 5.1 ASP.NET Web API 2.1 AD support Powershell Automation Node.JS project support Remote Debugging Kindle Support BD’s up to 500GB 99.95% SLA Self Service Site Recovery Active GEO replication HDInsight Hadoop 2.2 YARN support.NET 4.5.NET Foundation Azure Redis Cache API Management Site Recovery Remote Apps Cordova VSO Open Api’s Event Hub
Support for Open Source Languages CMS Devices Databases / Apps Operating systems Management
What is Azure Web Apps?
Fastest way to build for the cloud
Open and Flexible for Everyone
Environment 13
Supported PHP Versions Default Support
Default PHP Extensions php_exif.dll php_tidy.dll php_imap.dll php_mysqli.dllphp_pdo_sqlite.dll php_com_dotnet.dll php_soap.dll php_gd2.dll php_mbstring.dll php_openssl.dll php_wincache.dll php_curl.dll php_sockets.dll php_gettext.dllphp_mysql.dll php_pdo_mysql.dll php_xmlrpc.dll Enable Additional Extensions (via AppSetting) PHP_EXTENSIONS PHP_ZENDEXTENSIONS
Debugging PHP Info Log FilesXDebug IIS Logs
Features SNI SSL IP SSL Custom DomainsSticky Sessions HTTP Compression App/Framework Installer Site Specific Configuration Command Line Access IP Restriction Web Sockets URL Rewriting Auto-Healing
Extend the Environment
Site Slots
Site Extensions
Continuous Integration
GitHub Visual Studio Online Git BitBucket CodePlex DropBox FTP Choose your own Adventure!
Customizing the Deployment azure site deploymentscript --php Install Dependencies Compile Source code Minify JavaScript/CSS Run Unit Tests
Background Tasks
Manual Scaling 1 6 Instance Count Instances
Traffic Manager North Europe US West North America Europe DNS Routing Based on: Performance Failover
Application Services
SDK open composer.json require: “microsoft/windowsazure” php composer.phar install git add index.php git commit -m "My first Azure PHP app" git push azure master
Data Redis Cache Service Azure Blob Storage Azure Table Storage HDInsight Service
Messaging Service Bus Queues Service Bus Topics Notification Hubs
Much More… CDNAzure Active Directory Media Services API Management
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Web Sites Service Architecture Windows Azure Load Balancer Runtime Database Application Database API Endpoint Frontend (IIS ARR) Publish Endpoint Blob Storage File Server Metering Deployment Server(s)
Web Site Windows Azure Web Site Public Site Extensions Private Site Extensions Web Site KuduWeb Jobs MonacoMSDeployBuild/Upload Your Own Gallery
WebSockets 5 Concurrent Connections TierFree 35 Shared 350 Basic / Standard Persistent Connection