E-Inclusion: was conceived as a strategy of social intervention to overcome the “Digital Divide”. was conceived as a strategy of social intervention to overcome the “Digital Divide”. It aims at fostering social, economic and cultural development in the municipality of Brión by spreading the new Information and Communication Technologies. It aims at fostering social, economic and cultural development in the municipality of Brión by spreading the new Information and Communication Technologies. It also aims at promoting the recovery of its historic memory and the appreciation of popular culture within the context of the Information Society, boosting the creation of a local virtual community and promoting the use and spreading of the New Information and Communication Technologies as tools and channels of knowledge, information and learning. It also aims at promoting the recovery of its historic memory and the appreciation of popular culture within the context of the Information Society, boosting the creation of a local virtual community and promoting the use and spreading of the New Information and Communication Technologies as tools and channels of knowledge, information and learning.
Galicia (Spain) Municipality of Brión
Home Internet access Fuente: Observatorio TIC. GIS-T IDEGA. USC. (2003).
1.Brion People. Is a programme to boost local development and aimed at promoting research on the popular culture and geography of Brion from the contributions and work of the community itself. Brion Pobo consists of image, sound and video files, where historical material related to life stories of elderly people, to local traditions and uses, to folklore, music and celebrations, etc. is collected (see 2.Cyber Education. Is a programme aimed at boosting a virtual environmental in primary and secundary schools of the municipality which promotes the use of the ICT’s. The goal is to motivate the school community to produce didactical and interesting contents for that virtual environment. (see Immersion in the Information Society. It is a strategy of social-community intervention to overcome the Digital Divide and manage to turn the municipality of Brion into space visible in the Internet. It offers specific resorces about the e-commerce through the creation of a Virtual Market, promotes and offers services among school students and neighbours, publishes a virtual paper with local news managed by the community itself and develops a popular space for opinion and discussion through forums and chats. See Intervention programmes