Johnson Controls1 Heat Pump Jean-Pierre Perron Sales Executive Johnson Controls,division YORK 0499/
2Johnson Controls Confidential
Types of Heat Pumps Johnson Controls Confidential3 Air to Air or Air to Water Most common is residential air-air heat pumps that cool in summer and heat in winter Water to Air Ground water heat pumps Surface water heat pumps Water to Water Chilled water Cooling tower water Process fluid Low grade heat from a process steam Waste water from laundry, sanitary waste heat etc
Johnson Controls4
Theory of a Heat Pump Johnson Controls Confidential5
Reason to change Johnson Controls Confidential6
Important attention points for a heatpump Max supply heating temp taking in account the critical temp of the refrigerant Compression ratio COP Low GWP Safety Outside working temperature Humidity Johnson Controls Confidential7
Air cooled monoblok chiller Disadvantages : defrosting : no heating and energy destruction At low airtemps low capacity and vice versa Advantages High performance, max time in Belgium Not expensive and easy to install outside Johnson Controls Confidential10
Degree days Johnson Controls Confidential11 Hours less than 3°C = 1301 H Hours between 3 and 10°C = 3215 H
Johnson Controls Confidential12
Example off COP with outside temp off -10°C Johnson Controls Confidential13
Example off COP with outside temp off 0°C Johnson Controls Confidential14
Example off COP with outside temp off 7°C Johnson Controls Confidential15
Water/water heat pump -Disadvantages -For Geothermic projects : Lot off tubes in ground /need for space -More engineering -Inside installation -Advantages - heating coming from higher evap temp -Higher COP when it is cold compared to aircooled -Constant COP Johnson Controls Confidential16
« Earth-Capacity » Gegevens komende uit wikipedia
Heat from Chilled Water Johnson Controls Confidential18
Heat from Chilled Water Johnson Controls Confidential19
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Johnson Controls Confidential21
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COP at different water temp Johnson Controls Confidential24
Projects in Belgium Johnson Controls Confidential25
Johnson Controls Confidential26
Johnson Controls confidential discussion draft. For internal use only27
Johnson Controls28 Thank You Jean-Pierre Perron Building Efficiency Division York Sales executive 0499/