Justin Runji SSATP – Road Safety Strategic Orientations Proposals on Future Road Safety Engagement
Policy enhancements to better align country initiatives to UN Decade of Action Coordination among AU, ECA, RECs and countries for identification of policy gaps and priorities and provision of strategic guidance Monitor, review and advise on the implementation of global and regional declarations on road safety Creation of lead agencies (at country level) where they do not exist Cluster 3: Road Safety
Capacity building for effective road safety management Regional Enhance collaboration with regional transport sector associations (ASANRA, ARMFA, AGEPAR, Transport Associations, etc.) Creation of RS sub-regional organizations Sharing of information and good practice National Road safety lead agency operational guidelines Conduct road safety audit Strengthen policy compliance and enforcement Cluster 3: Road Safety
Key emerging issues Focus on policy rather than implementation Coordinate with other actors (AUC; WHO; Cooperating partners..) to harmonize approach and to avoid duplication Prioritize national issues before regional 4
Policy issues based on the five pillars 5
1. Road safety management Raising the profile of lead agency to high political offices Effective road safety management Development of road safety strategies Framework for financing road safety Better articulation of the roles and responsibilities of insurance companies Corporate social responsibility on road safety Alcohol manufactures Car manufactures Traffic accident data management – standardization and harmonization 6
2. Safer Roads Road safety audit – a requirement for road funding Axle loads control Axle load harmonization Standardization of road standards and signage Emphasis on road maintenance rather than new construction Dedication of a pre-identified proportion of cost to road safety User friendly designs – “a total road” approach 7
3. Safer Vehicles Safer Vehicles Importation, licensing, vehicle and inspection Certification of vehicle mechanics on road safety Control of usage of motor cycles 8
4. Safer Road Users Training and licensing of drivers Education curriculum on road safety Enforcement of existing laws and regulations 9
5. Post-Crash Better accident management 10