Biodiversity and Climate Change United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
Section 1: Impacts of climate change on biodiversity Section 2: Impacts of biodiversity on climate change Section 3: Climate change within the Convention on Biological Diversity
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment – climate change is the second greatest threat to biodiversity Climate change is changing species through: shifting habitat changing life cycles the development of new physical traits Climate change is reducing the ability of indigenous and local communities to sustain traditional, biodiversity- based livelihoods Section 1: Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity
Die-offs Extinctions Life Cycles Physiology Coral bleaching die-offs of up to 50% in the Indian Ocean A species of Golden Toad in Costa Rica Gothic marmots emerge from hibernation about a month earlier than 30 years ago The average weight of adult female polar bears has decreased by more than 20% over the last 25 years
Reducing emissions from deforestation and other forms of land use change Providing a ‘safety net’ of genetic resources for adaptation Providing protection (bioshields) against the negative impacts of climate change Section 2: Impacts of Biodiversity on Climate Change
Reducing Emissions Biodiversity Safety Net Bioshields Forests account for more than half of the global stock of carbon stored in terrestrial vegetation and soil Land races of many crops are providing genetic material for the development of drought-resistant crop varieties The value of mangroves as coastal protection has been estimated at $25 – $50 per hectare
The cross-cutting issues on biodiversity and climate change COP decision VIII/30: 1. recommendations for the enhancement of climate change considerations in all Programmes of Work and 2. information on the role of protected areas Section 3: Climate Change within the Convention on Biological Diversity
The Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Climate Change and Biodiversity Four AHTEGs: First meeting January 2002 Last meeting September 2005 AHTEG reports were published as two technical series: TS 10 - Interlinkages between biological diversity and climate change TS 25 - Guidance for Promoting Synergy Among Activities Addressing Biological Diversity, Desertification, Land Degradation and Climate Change
Climate Change Components of the Programmes of Work Forest Biodiversity Mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and promote forest biodiversity considerations in mitigation and adaptation Inland WatersAttention to the impacts of climate change and the role of inland waters in mitigation and adaptation
Climate Change Components of the Programmes of Work Marine & Coastal Impacts of climate change on coral reefs and need to consider climate change in protected area planning Mountain Biodiversity Need for more information on climate change and the vulnerability of mountain biodiversity to its impacts
Climate Change Components of the Programmes of Work Island Biodiversity Address challenges to island biodiversity from climate change and pollution Dry and Sub- humid Lands Conservation taking into account climate change Agricultural Biodiversity Climate regulation & carbon sequestration recognized as ecological services provided by agricultural biodiversity
Article 8j on local and indigenous communities and traditional knowledge COP decision VIII/5 B 1. noted the specific vulnerabilities of indigenous and local communities to the impacts of climate change 2. requested further research on climate change vulnerability targeting highly vulnerable indigenous and local communities
Joint work undertaken with the UNFCCC Called for in multiple COP decisions (eg. decision VIII/3) Coordinated through the Joint Liaison Group Focuses on technology transfer, vulnerability and adaptation, and reducing emissions from deforestation
2010 Biodiversity Target Target 7.1: Maintain and enhance resilience of the components of biodiversity to adapt to climate change Section 4: Response of the Convention on Biological Diversity