Lesson 8.2 By: Aran, Atulya, and Mrigas
Scientists have identified more than 100 elements, including metals, semimetals, and nonmetals. The elements are organized in the periodic table.
Chemical symbol-an abbreviation of the elements name Metal-are usually shiny, can be bent or stretched, and can conduct electricity Noble gas- an element that hardly ever combines with another element to form a compound Nonmetal- are gases that can not conduct electricity Periodic table- is a table in which elements are arranged by their properties
(Metalloids)Semimetal- an element that has properties of both metal and nonmetal elements That is silicon(SI)
In 450 B.C. the Greek philosopher Empedocles thought that all matter is made up of four contents: fire, earth,air, and water. In the middle ages people started to realize there are many more elements than 4. In the 1600s Robert Boyle argued that these four Greek elements are not really elements. Later people started to discover there are many other elements
o In 1869 Dmitri Mendeleyev created a way to a arrange and classify elements. He listed the elements in order from increasing mass. o Next he rearranged the elements by putting the ones that have similar properties together. With this format there were a few blank spaces. o Now we use a similar chart (The Periodic Table) o They are basically the same thing because the periodic table is arranged by the properties of elements. o The Periodic Table is called The Periodic Table because Mendeleyev noticed that the element have a repeating pattern.
The different colors tell if the element is to tell if the element is a solid liquid or a gas.
There are 109 elements listed on the Periodic Table. Each column is called a group. Elements in groups have similar properties. Horizontal rows are called periods. Two rows are pulled out of the table, this makes the drawing of the table not to wide.
Iron, gold, nickel, silver, and aluminum are examples of metals Most metals have luster, or the ability to reflect light Most metals are conductive, meaning that they can have energy travel through them Metals are nutrients too. Ex. A banana has potassium which is nutrient that you cells to function properly This is nickelThis is gold This is aluminum
Magnesium is what make fireworks sparkle. This is magnesium ->
Examples of semimetals are silicon and boron Silicon covers 28% of Earth’s surface making it the second most common mineral found on Earth Silicon is also found in Intel’s computer chips This is boron ->
Scientist's are still working on names for these new elements The element’s atomic numbers are 113,115,117,118 The seventh edition of the periodic table is now complete Element 113 was discovered by the Riken institute, the first element discovered in Asia Scientists are already trying to discover element 119 and 120
Plutonium is the most poisonous elements Plutonium is used for nuclear weapons which are very harmful Plutonium is radioactive and can accumulate in bones It’s atomic number is 94 and is scientifically referred to PU
1 gram of this element can kill 10 million people The element releases alpha particles which damage organic tissue Luckily, alpha particles can not penetrate skin
This metal is extremely reactive. Even the presence of thin air will make it explode As you can see scientists need to be very careful around this metal This metal is a very unsafe
Fluorine is extremely toxic and will try to react with almost anything Just 25 of a million concentration of fluorine is potentially lethal The element can blind and suffocate it’s victim
Lead was used for paint, utensils, and many other items Then, people found it is poisonous Lead can be lethal if you take a high enough quantity Lead rarely kill people but can lower one’s IQ
Chromium is used for making car parts, but also has a dark side It can become a genotoxic carcinogen; something that can harm your DNA It can also increase your chances of getting cancer Dangerous levels were found in both the USA and Australia
4 of the most expensive elements are gold, silver, platinum and plutonium Platinum is used for making jewelry like rings and necklaces like gold and silver