Notes: Climate Change Wednesday
No… The world will not “end” in All living things will not die in It was a movie!!
(1) Climate Climate: Average, annual conditions of temperature and precipitation in Earth-regions. Weather = day to day conditions. Climate is Impacted By: – Earth’s tilt, rotation, orbit – Location of Land and Water masses – Wind and Water Currents – Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases, Organisms, Inorganic Compounds
(2) Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse Effect: The containment of heat on Earth due to shielding gases. Greenhouse Gases: Gases which absorb heat, subsequently warming earth’s atmosphere. – Carbon Dioxide – Methane – Water Vapor
(3) Global Warming Global Warming: Constant, overall heating of the entire planet. – NO LONGER VALUED! Cause: – Human Impact – Dramatic increase in greenhouse gases (produced by humans)
(4) Climate Change Climate Change: A regular, natural change in the earth’s climates due to a variety of factors working together. Cause: – Any one of the factors which impacts climate – Humans are not helping
(5) Human Activity of Concern Over-Use of Fossil Fuels Release of Carbon Dioxide Over-Production of Waste Landfills Pollution Air, Water, Land, Living Things Over-Use of ALL Resources Damage to Ecosystems Deforestation, Plowing, Drilling