Wind Powered Car Project Due Date : May 13th
On your mark, get set, go!
Introduction In this project, you will build a rolling vehicle that will be powered by wind alone. Your car will be tested to see if it moves. A fan will be placed behind your car for the test. You will compete against other vehicles to see whose car goes the fastest and furthest. So, on your mark, get set, and let’s go!
Project Makeup Part 1 : Written Part 2: Model
Written One page typed essay which includes: * Why is it important for humans to develop alternative energy resources?
Written Sketch of car model with label names drawn to parts of the car. Take a photo and label to save time.
Model *Create a model car using recyclable materials. *Material Suggestions Cardboard, popsicle sticks, paper clips, drink tops for wheels, straws, skewer stick, saran wrap, plastic, paper, lifesavers, rubber bands, string, tape, index cards, pencils, empty plastic coke bottle, used cds,
Things to Remember *Wheels: You must make sure your wheels roll. The car must move when the fan is turned on. *Air resistance: You may want to consider having a sail to catch the wind of the fan.
Another car example This car used a plastic water bottle for car, wooden skewer stick for axels and plastic balls for wheels. A cut piece of posterboard was used for a sail.
Car Examples This car was made from a pasta box, a wooden skewer for axles, coke tops glued together for wheels, plastic container for top of car, straws for windshield wipers, and plastic for windsail.